MOVIEDEX Out of Memory File Missing The tutorial cannot continue. Choose OK to return to Works. Microsoft Works for Windows Tutorial MSWorksDoc MDIClient Microsoft Works Tutorial MSWorksBar ScrollBar MSMSWorksDoc Movie GetCpu Movie WinMode Movie ColorCap Movie FreeSpace Movie Movie Resume Movie Rewind Movie Start Movie Pause Movie Steal Movie SetPath Movie SetDir Movie GetDir Movie GetError 1 Z '!P!y! "F"o" #9#a# $)$Q$y$ %A%i% % &1&Y& &!'I'q' (7(^( (!)H)o) *2*Y* +C+j+ ,),O,u, -3-Y- .=.c. .!/F/k/ /$0I0n0 1'1L1q1 2(2L2p2 3$3H3l3 3 4D4h4 5@5d5 686[6~6 7-7P7s7 7"8E8h8 9:9]9 :,:N:p: ;<;^; <*(>I>j> ?0?Q?r? @8@Y@z@ A@AaA B'BHBhB C(CHChC D(DHDhD E(EHEhE F'FFFeF G>G]G|G H6HUHtH I.IMIlI J&JEJcJ K5KSKqK L%LCLaL M3MQMoM N!N>N[NxN N O&OCO`O}O P+PHPeP Q0QMQjQ R5RRRoR S5SQSmS T1TMTiT U-UIUeU V)VEVaV|V W9WTWoW X,XGXbX}X Y:YUYpY Z-ZHZcZ~Z [6[P[j[ \ \:\T\n\ ]$]>]X]r] ^(^B^\^v^ _,_F___x_ `'`@`Y`r` a!a:aSala b4bMbfb~b c&c>cVcnc d.dFd^dvd e6eNefe~e f$f;fRfif g!g8gOgfg}g h5hLhchzh i2iIi`iwi j/jFj\jrj k"k8kNkdkzk l*l@lVlll m2mHm^mtm n3nHn]nrn o/oDoYono p+p@pUpjp q3qGq[qoq r#r7rJr]rpr s.sAsTsgszs t%t7tIt[tmt u!u3uEuWuiu{u v/vAvSvevvv w w1wBwSwdwuw x/x?xOx_xox y/y?yOy_yoy z/z>zMz\zkzzz {.{={L{[{j{y{ |-|<|K|Z|i|x| } }.}<}J}X}f}t} ~&~3~@~M~Z~g~t~ window. Don't worry about memorizing; you'll learn them as you in order to print your document correctly, you need to change theThese are the steps you'll use to minimize, maximize, and restore ato print the information associated with the code. For example:Don't worry about memorizing; you'll learn them as you practice.These are the steps to print your spreadsheet. In this lesson,These are the steps you'll use to quickly highlight text usingyou will learn how to change the layout of a printed document.Because both Works and Windows need to know what the page size1 Move the insertion point to the beginning of the document.Change the position of the second tab stop from 3'' to 3.5''.2 In the Height and Width boxes, exchange the measurements.These are the steps you'll use to insert page breaks. Don't2 In the Margins box, type the measurements of the margins''Working with Files'' lesson from the Starting with Works5 In the orientation box, choose the orientation you want.In a document from another applications: From the Controlworry about memorizing; you'll learn them as you practice.1 From the Format menu, choose the Font & Style command.5 In the paper size box, choose the paper size you want.For more information and a chance to practice, choose the2 Extend the highlight to the right or down to includeThese are the steps you'll use to preview your document2 From the Edit menu, choose the appropriate command:1700ad 1750ad 1800ad 1850ad 1900ad 1950ad 1982adYou also need to change the orientation in two places.You've finished the Using the Tools Together section.2 Move the highlight to the field you want to query.To put your window out of the way without closing it:about memorizing; you'll learn them as you, choose Switch To, and then use the Task List.2 Press the underlined letter of the command name.In a Works document: From the Window menu, choose1 Highlight the cell or cells you want to format.2 From the Format menu, choose Indents & Spacing.2 Choose the style you want from the dialog box.From the File menu, choose Page Setup & Margins.On the Toolbar, choose the Print Preview button.This is the first screen of the lesson. Pleasearrows on each side, drag to the right to widen2 Choose the OK button to print your document.memorizing; you'll learn them as you practice.Move the insertion point in the word processorYou may need to click a little faster. Pleasebefore double-clicking the left mouse button.From the Edit menu, choose Headers & move to the first record in the database.Make sure the pointer is on the power buttonTo move the insertion point to the beginningwill be superceded by full, edited messages.This is a prototype message for testing that1 From the File menu, choose Print Preview.To see as much of your document as possible:tools for your computer, all in one package.To highlight B5 thru D9 drag over the cellsuntil the insertion point is where you wantTo highlight B9 thru D9 drag over the cellsTo link information from other applicationsTo move the highlight to A3, click cell A3.These are the steps you'll use to enter a fTo move the highlight to B5, click cell B5.To move the highlight to B6, click cell B6.1 Highlight the cell or group of cells youTo move the highlight to B7, click cell B7.To move the highlight to B8, click cell B8.To move the highlight to C3, click cell C3.To move the highlight to C6, click cell C6.To move the highlight to C7, click cell C7.To move the highlight to C8, click cell C8.To move the highlight to D4, click cell D4.To move the highlight to D7, click cell D7.To move the highlight to D8, click cell D8.Make sure the pointer is on a channel arrowto move to the last record in the database.To view all the information that will be in- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Menu button to return to the Tutorial Menu.1 Highlight the paragraph, or paragraphs.document where you want to insert a field.and drag the border to the width you want.until the text is in the correct position.4 In the Charts box, choose the chart you4 If you are adding a calculation, in theThe formula stays in the formula bar . . .To choose the Column option, click Column.Move the mouse pointer to the power buttonTo choose the Change button, click Change.To choose the Cancel button, click Cancel.To choose the Print button, hold down ALTTo choose the Open Existing File command,How to use the Works for Windows TutorialTo choose the Insert Field Entry command,instead. The function keys are above theof the document, click to the left of thePress the number of the topic summary youdown the CTRL key and press F1 to displayThe new Brixton Film Festival is proud to5 Choose 1st Letter if you want Works toClick the number of the topic summary youTo highlight row 8, move the highlight toTo choose the Bar Chart button, click it.6 Choose the OK button to confirm Setup.Click the round button labeled ''Power.''the Format menu, and then click Currency.These are the steps you'll use to changehold down the ALT key, press S, and thenleft of the first letter of the text youhighlight to the field, and choose FieldTo choose the Print button, click Print.hold down the ALT key, press T, and thenwant, or click the Menu button to returnTo choose the Clear Field Entry command,use the arrow keys to move the highlightThe key you pressed was not the TAB key.describes the object you want to change.To choose the Insert Field Name command,2 Switch to the word processor documentSpreadsheet file with the chart you wantClick the First button on the horizontal2 Type an equal sign. This tells Works-------------- --------- -------------Set page length, width, and This shows that the entry is not aTo confirm your entry in the formula barSHIFT key and press the arrow keys until1 In the original application, copy theTo move the highlight to the Cost field,To return a window to its previous size:In the Databases box, choose a database.It can also dig rapidly with its strong,Emergency contact: Phyllis Thuddenbacher1 Highlight the row or column where youinevitably spills over into the two-star4 Move the insertion point to where youhold down the ALT key, press C, and thenOn the Toolbar, choose the Print button.ready to go on, press the PAGE DOWN key.To highlight row 8, click row number 8.To highlight several records or fields:These are the steps you'll use to printthe column or to the left to narrow it.the Format menu, and then click Border.To choose the Create New Chart command,for the past year shows promise for theIf you want to use another application,To choose the Footer box, hold down ALTTo choose the Show All Records command,To choose the Top option, click the TopHighlight the field you want to the Choices button to display theTo choose the Top option, hold down ALTA field name can be up to 15 characterswell-written and your research is quitethe ALT key, press S, and then press F.want, or press M to return to the Menu.You clicked the mouse. Please practicenumber or in a special format (like theWorks contains the most frequently usedDOWN ARROW key to extend the highlight.of the May column, click the tab mark (the ALT key, press G, and then press B.4 Specify whether you want the bordertime without losing the information incommand, click the Edit menu, and thenPress the PAGE DOWN key to go on, holdover the text until it is highlighted.hold down the CTRL key and press F1 to2 On the Toolbar, click the alignmentbefore clicking the left mouse button.PGUP button to go back, or the ChoicesIn this lesson, you will learn how to:If the number you're entering contains2 In the Height and Width boxes, typethe SHIFT key and press the arrow keysTo choose the Center button, click it.To choose the Footer box, click insideTo choose the Paste command, hold downWorks aligns text entries to the left.Hold down the CTRL key while you presspress the ENTER key or click the Entera letter anywhere in the number, WorksYour child will also need a sack lunch1 Position the insertion point to theTo choose the Print command, hold downTo choose the Style command, hold downand healthy, and that 1991 was a veryTo copy information from one documentPress CTRL+J for justified alignment.What you need to know about computersTo choose the Currency command, clickdown CTRL and press F1 to display theand/or the Space After Paragraph box,in which you want to enter a formula.skiing, dancing, and pottery lessons,Balloons and a clown will be providedTo choose the Tabs command, hold downChoices button to display the Choices1 Highlight the information you wantTo choose the Print button, click it.To choose the OK button, press the Window menu, and then clickclick the Format menu, and then clickchild for a day of activity the Select menu, and then click2 On the Toolbar, click the Single-Join us for a journey to some of theTo make corrections, press BACKSPACEMicrosoft Draw-Drawing in WORD1.WPSWe feel that the Windjammer's incomePacific's most wild and scenic scubaTo choose the Currency command, holdand 2 car garage. Private, secludedINTL: this is from lwin\ You can rename a field at anyleft, right, centered and justified.the ALT key, press T, and then press4 From the Edit menu, choose Paste.Hope this letter finds you all happyDate format). The quotation mark is1 From the File menu, choose Print.using the shortcut method, press the5 From the Edit menu, choose Paste.To choose the Bold button, hold downTo choose the Bold button, click it.the ALT key, press E, and then pressthe ALT key, press F, and then pressPress the PAGE DOWN key to go on, orTo choose the Print Preview command,Works has four paragraph alignments:the Choices menu, or press CTRL+I topress the PAGE UP key to go back, orclick the File menu, and then clickbutton to display the Choices the Edit menu, and then clickin the formula bar and on the your work and edit the document.left margin, from the right margin,To choose the Sort Records command,These are the steps you'll use to cClick the PGDN button to go on, thein which you want to enter numbers.You pressed the F key. Press the Fmenu, or the Instructions button toTo choose the Border command, clickhome. Three bedrooms, 2 1/2 baths,the View menu, and then click List.Every year about this time, PioneerTo choose the Column Width command,down the ALT key, press T, and thenhold down the ALT key, press F, anddown the ALT key, press E, and thenoutline the paragraph or paragraphsdown the ALT key, press V, and thenhold down the CTRL key and press F1paragraph, or the other way around.field activities. Please dress yourdown the ALT key, press F, and then2 From the Edit menu, choose Copy.hold down the ALT key, press E, anddown the ALT key, press S, and then4 In the Data Type box, choose theto see another way to do the step.To choose the OK button, click OK.In the following practices, you'llTo choose the Print command, clickWorks aligns number entries to theTo add information so it's easy toTo move the insertion point to theTo change the paragraph alignment:You can indent paragraphs from theheart's content . . . all for thewith the relatives (the O'Bakers).You're ready to print personalizedTo move the highlight to where theTo choose the Style command, click4 Confirm the entry in the field.Press CTRL+C for center alignment.1 In the Word Processor document,To choose the Page Setup & Marginsbe soft or small so that it can beTo choose the Paste command, click3 Type the name of each field and1 Move the insertion point to theClick the Menu button to return toClick the PGDN button to go on, orFrom the Window menu, choose Tile.Here at the Bakers', life has beenTo choose the Border command, holdClick the star or press the numberDefault Error For Keyboard Events.playing games and participating in1 Move the highlight to the field1 Move the highlight to where youYou can also indent the first lineTo choose the Replace All button,To choose the List command, clickBACKSPACE key. Please try again.You can also press the underlined3 Confirm the entry in the cell.1 Select the drawing or picture.To choose the Tabs command, clickpress PAGE DOWN to go on, or holdCall 555-4545, and ask for Heidi.To choose the Field Size command,keeping busy with their swimming,California Coast 6/1-6/9, $300.00To choose the Find command, clickYou're ready to make form lettersfor the children's entertainment.To choose the Show All CharactersPress CTRL+R for right alignment.To choose a button on the Toolbarcells until they are highlighted.command, click the File menu, andThese are the steps you'll use toThese are the steps you'll use toWhen you enter text, Works puts aproud to offer three new underseais 15 minutes from Detroit. IdealThese are the steps you'll use toTo choose the Copy command, clickIf you were actually using Works,To change the line spacing beforeThis coming Friday, June 12, willPress the PAGE DOWN key to go on,1 Highlight the text you want toTo choose the Copy command, holdWe spent the holidays in Irelandb Choose the OK button to startPress CTRL+L for left alignment.the second page of the document.To choose the Sort Rows command,4 Accept or change the proposeda In the dialog box, choose theclaws, which aid in locating theTo highlight the entries in rowsHere you'll use the SUM functionsecond page of the paper. Print5 Choose the Paste Link button.3 Move the highlight to the newTo change the width of a column:To choose the List command, holduntil the cells are highlighted.To choose the Fill Down command,and tiny teeth, so its food mustBeautifully maintained two-story2 When the pointer changes to aSchool has its annual Field Day.From the View menu, choose List.of the Hudson River in the which you want to enter text.From the File menu, choose PrintEnter the fruit sales for Duluth2 Type the field name, followedCayman Islands 6/9-7/1, $1200.003 In the Space Before ParagraphTo choose the Indents & SpacingTo choose the Headers & FootersYou can add borders to a single2 From the Select menu, choosecreated in another application.2 From the Format menu, chooseDefault Error For Mouse Events.To choose the Insert Page Breakcommand, hold down the ALT key,vaulted ceilings, full basement2 From the Format menu, chooseTo choose the Insert Row/ColumnTo choose the Delete Row/Columnattractive low price of $5, Field Day. Children will bethe Edit menu, and then click PWhen working with other Windowsbusier than ever. Both boys are3 Specify measurements for theFinished! If you were actuallyinsects, worms, and snails thatTo link information between twothe Select menu, and then click3 Type the word to search for.This lesson takes approximatelythe Format menu, and then clickseparately from the rest of theThe key you pressed was not theTo choose the Replace With box,quickly, making good use of itsTo align text and numbers usingHighlight the four-line addressto return to the Tutorial Menu.The key you pressed was not theright margin to a new location.1 Move the insertion point toall of Works tools to create aInsert the field, Name, in therapidly with its strong, sharpwant the field name to appear.of decimal places you specify.The Works for Windows TutorialThis summer, AdventureWorks isPress M to return to the Menu.Payroll -- Elmo's Egg Emporiumto be normal, bold, or double.Moving and copying informationOn the ruler, drag the left orTo change the size of a windowAn armadillo can run and dodgeThank you for your interest inTo choose the Replace command,calculate the WINTER expenses.Introducing the Word ProcessorIn this lesson, you will learnPress the DOWN ARROW key untilIntroducing the tools togetherNow use this method to enter aparagraphs you want to indent.You'll travel in luxury aboardCook Islands 7/3-8/2, $1650.003 Specify whether you want to2 Move the insertion point toin June of next year. It willparagraphs you want to format.learn how to use the tutorial.1 On the Toolbar, choose theAdding formulas and functions2 From the Edit menu, chooseFrom the Control menu, choose1 Highlight the paragraph orthe Edit menu, and then clickour beautiful skiff, eat fullARROW key. Please try again.contains clip art or drawings2 In the Default Tab SpacingTo move an individual window:1 From the View menu, chooseWorking with columns and tabsbe printing now. You've used1 From the Edit menu, choosespace or Double-space button.Highlight all the text in theTo highlight a block of cells2 In the 1st Field box, typeTo enter numbers into a form:4 From the File menu, choose2 From the File menu, choose2 From the Edit menu, chooseletter of the style you want.and then you'll have a chancethe operators you want in the1 From the File menu, chooseTo choose a command using theto the comma in the greeting.Customer: Ms. Janet Vogelzang4 From the Edit menu, choose3 From the Edit menu, choosethe beginning of the address.Introducing Works for WindowsYou can also choose any otherfinancial status of Worldwidethe File menu, and then clickThe text in this letter needsto send to Earthworks' Board.Position Field command again.information you want to link.document, you've decided thatclick anywhere in the field.To choose the Center option,To choose the Cancel button,1 Place the insertion pointdouble quotation mark in the4 Choose the Delete button.To choose the Delete button,will hold its annual meeting3 In the Fields box, chooseFrom the Select menu, chooseTo choose the Close command,_____ _____ _____ ___ ______From the Format menu, chooseto display the Choices menu.In this lesson, you'll learntaught by world-famous chefsare the staples of its diet.protective armor by charging3 Choose Ascend or Descend.For the novice or those on aThe armadillo has a weak jawTo move the highlight to thePrint button on the a spectacular three days!by a colon. It is displayedYou can press the underlinedletter keys on the keyboard.yard with abundant shrubberyTo move the highlight to B4,To return to the Spreadsheetto offer three comprehensivehold down the ALT key, pressdifferent name where you caninformation in your databaseAddress: 88 Bell Springs RdCustomer: Mr. Thomas MillerAddress: 183 Butterfield Rdfollowing days will be paidtab stop from 3'' to 3.5''.formula to total the SEASONTo choose the Save command,of cactus. It can also digour underwater photo safariHold down the SHIFT key and1 Highlight the paragraph.of an armadillo is spent initalic italic italic italicto total the FALL expenses.using pale pink and aqua asAddress: 1313 E. Trout Laneuntil they are Page Setup & Margins.You've made a change to theEnter this information intothrough brambles and clumpsTo move the highlight to A1In the following practices,Career: Electrical Engineer1 Move the insertion pointMicrosoft Works for Windowsdirectory you may have thata burrow. Nights, and oftenAdventure Works Net Revenuedays, are spent digging forIntroducing the Spreadsheet3 Move the insertion pointstandard settings or changecommand on the Format menu.hold down the SHIFT key andChoose the Cancel button toTo highlight the tab mark (To choose the Delete RecordTo copy information betweenSave the file with the name3 In the Spreadsheets box,The National Catering Clubchart to a 100% bar chart.and for two hours dive andTo move the highlight to CNow change the stacked bar2 Insert the field, the right border of theFrom the File menu, chooseTrips: East Timur, NigeriaOn the Toolbar, choose theFrom the File menu, choosethe cells are highlighted.From the Edit menu, chooseFrom the Edit menu, chooseTo enter text into a form:To move the highlight to Calignment button you want.For $500 you can board ourTo change the line spacingTo choose the Bar command,To choose the Bold option,beginning of the document.taking vacation days. Theyou're entering a formula.To choose the Cut command,to be rearranged. Move theTo move the highlight to DCustomer: Mr. Jordan Pottsand watch the formula bar.Choose the Print button tonot displayed in the cell.To choose the Next button,length and width that yourtight budget, we offer theshop in the years to come.You can use the SUM buttonBiology Essay -- Rodriguezshort distance downstream,Beacon, New York, travel aArmadillos have poor sightAdventureWorks is proud tohave a chance to practice.2 Choose the Print button==========================paragraph or to a group ofNow that you've saved theNew Brixton Film Festival''Decorating with Flair''choose Indents & Spacing.INTL: this is from whatisWhen you create a report,display the Choices menu.Finding and changing texttype the desired'd like a copy under aEntering text and numbersWorld Tour Revenue Reportusing Works, your lettersoffer three comprehensiveYou can also double-clickCustomer: Ms. Arrow Browncreated in Microsoft DrawChanging your spreadsheetYou can print with Works'then you'll have a chancewhat you want to act uponwhere you want to add thea family reunion. Do youA typical day in the life2 From the Options menu,on the Toolbar to quickly2 On the ruler, drag theTo change field alignmentSearching for information2 On the Toolbar, chooseThe two most common sizes3 Changing the size of aAddress: 884 Pinyon Road3 Choose the OK button.8 Choose the OK button.Add headers and footers.would be printing now.''have a catalog you could2 From the Charts menu,while Bill and I travel.You can specify any pageChoose a number to see aTo create a new document2 Choose the OK button.To move the highlight towant to add information.6 Choose the OK button.Customer: Ms. Maria AzulMove the insertion point2 From the Insert menu,To move the highlight to5 Choose the OK button.Page layout and printingExciting cooking classesdocument summarizing theTo change the page size:To move the highlight tosection of the Headers & Footers.1 From the Format menu,1 From the Select menu,4 Choose the OK button.ship, the Clearwater, inWe would like to order aNext you'll learn how toUnderwater Photo SafarisThe Mysterious ArmadilloIn this lesson, you willIntroducing the Databasedocument, and change thelong by 8.5 inches wideSleeping on a snow bankPutting it all togetherPrint the form extend the highlightPress the BACKSPACE keybox in the formula bar.Next you'll learn aboutNever have you seen the20 minutes to complete.-''If you were actuallyPutting it All TogetherWord Processor document-4 deleted before toolsTo choose the UnderlineFormatting a spreadsheeFormat the spreadsheet.To choose the Thesaurustoothless and have veryAddress: 76 Boston Ave.For the novice or thoseAdventureWorks is proudFor more information onpress E, and then pressyou'll have a chance toAsk your manager before7 Choose the OK buttonkey. Please try again.Choose the OK button toYou can create a seriesTo arrange open windowsWhen you want to change16 minutes to complete.2 From the Format menuTo change the size of atuvwxysabcdefghijklmnopYou can also choose theYou can also change thealignment button on theThese are the steps you15 minutes to complete.File Edit Select Format5 In the Position box,some of their documentsupper/lower case match.or only selected sides.10 minutes to complete.undersea photo safaris.If you want to see theSome sample databases.recognizes it as text.choose Check Spelling.3 Switch to the otherINTL: the text is fromInserting and deletingVerna's Party Suppliesthe entry in the cell.on every page, such asThe DramaWorks Theaterthe Hudson River Dive.. . . and the DatabaseSwitch to WFLORIST.WPSanywhere in the field.----------------------make separate changes.4 From the Edit menu,Try using the mouse tointerest in our scenicFrom the Options menu,a printer connected toAfter you've created ain the correct moving the borders:in the next the last paragraph.You've seen what it is2 From the Edit menu,and then you'll have atight budget, we offeroffer the Hudson RiverOrd. By: The Good EggTo change the width ofWorks starts new pagesYou can also press thefollowing days will besummary of that topic.5 minutes to complete.School has its annualextend the highlight.1 Move the highlightFAVORS.WPS HOTEL.WKSFormatting charactersFormatting paragraphsFrom the Window menu,down ALT and press A.photograph the HudsonRight. You have usedPhone: (231) 587-6115ready for the trip ofOnce you've created aTo specify an indent:them as you practice.on a tight budget, weTo preview your work:use the arrow keys tobutton on the ToolbarOn the Toolbar, clickparagraphs you want.or from both at once.You can also choose aDate: January 3, 1991corner of the window.from the Select menu.Choose the OK button.Landscape orientationCreating form lettersUse the arrow keys toPlease wait a moment._____________________2 Type an equal sign=====================and hearing. They arechoose Print Previewinformation you wantWe're thinking aboutyou'll have a chanceD R A M A W O R K SFont & Style command+5 for 1-1/2 spaces.Page Setup & MarginsLittle Rock FiddlersEnclosed you'll findand then you'll haveTo highlight A2 thru1 Highlight the ent+2 for double space.a chance to practice+1 for single space.When you're ready toand after paragraphsautomatically updateFrom: Natalie CorbetWindjammer Surf Shopfor Underline style.Memo: Paid Holidaysthe insertion pointyou want to change.INTL: small rewriteCreating a databasethe format you want1 Highlight the fi2 Type the number.bold bold bold boldHeaders and footersSharing informationStarting with Worksunderline underlineEach time you pressElmo's Egg Emporiumchance to practice.entry in the field.all the informationTo insert or deleteheaders and footersTo learn more aboutYou don't need to hWorks automaticallyTo highlight A5 thrWorks automaticallyWorking with window555-SURF, 555-SHOPAdvanced searchingAdventureWorks '91This is the promptyou'll learn about126 Fair Oaks Lanequickly and easily1 On the Toolbar,How to learn WorksHeaders & Footers.records and fieldsOrganizing recordsFormatting recordsFormatting numbers1 Highlight the cThank you for yourTHE WORD PROCESSORthe Word ProcessorWorking with filesWorking with listsdown ALT and pressChoosing a commandClear Field Entry.Processor documentYou can also pressInsert Page Break.Hudson River Dive.using the keyboardINTL: this is new.Using the keyboardIndents & Spacing.Facts and Folklorepen Existing FileFebruary 22, 1991special characterfor Italic style.September 4, 1991company holidays.costume expenses.key is most oftenmedium toothbrushChanging the sizeneeded to get youindents you want.format to italic._________________You'll learn morePlease try again.our theme colors.CTRL and press B.COMMUNITY THEATER1 Highlight cellThe possibilitiesThe advantages ofNovember 16, 1991Insert Field NameWORLDWIDE FLORISTMicrosoft Windowsbutton you your databaseOctober 13, 1991. . . or you canto highlight theThesaurus buttonTry pressing it.Setup & Margins.scented bath oilTo create a formFor example, you2 Hold down the2 Type the textIn this example,In the followingdisposable razor5 Choose Setup.1 Highlight theALT and press C.Biology Essay bydefinition view.INTL: new screenswallowed whole.For example, youCity: JonesvilleYou can also useprosperous year.For $500 you canDear Adventurer,When you want tois almost ready.of your documentcommand displaysinsertion pointWhen you save aGetting to work1 Line Spacinghard toothbrushinside the box.Microsoft WorksPosition Field.Using the mouseYou can use theTo choose the LTo add borders:the arrow keys.You can use thecolumns or rowsfor Bold style.3 Type the newwant to change.double-clickingTo move a field) at the bottomfor the picnic.the left of thethe informationStreutzel, JaneState: VirginiaADVENTURE WORKSAdding drawings1 Highlight ''Editing recordsThere are three---------------The Spreadsheetbegin printing.You may want toDOWN ARROW key.CONGRATULATIONSusing the mousedecimal places.Height (m): safaris!the highlight.Happy HolidaysYou can changeto move to theto confirm theWorks built-inWord Processoryour document.Print Preview.Suppose you'reinformation wiquotation markIn addition tomailing labelsTo highlight ACTRL+PAGE DOWNThis is calledand then pressIf you want toAdventureWorksCTRL and press1 Highlight AAdvertisementsMicrosoft DrawINTL: rewroteDecember 1991Bombay, GraceDear Parents,Annual ReportDirector Club-------------. . . and theThat's it. NYonkers, BurtSometimes youALT and pressINTL: changedEntering textinstructions.Copying cellsSort Records.measurements.Highlight theyour databasestrikethroughChoices menu.Record/Field.CTRL+SPACEBAR3 Choose the3 Choose the. . . and theThuddenbacherPrint button.Leading Zeros1990 Products2 Choose thelocated here.1991 Products2 Choose theapproximatelyautomaticallyapplications.comprehensivepossibilitiesparticipatingcalculations.choose Style.and press thechoose Paste.double-clickorganizationspreadsheetsspreadsheet.CHANGING THEand ChartingYou can moveCTRL+PAGE UPYou can alsoWorksWizardsdatabase fororientation.4 Highlighthighlighted.Windjammer'sWhenever youControl menuControl-menumeasurementsapplication,application.applicationsspreadsheet,2 HighlightPoint to theCoordinates:WFLORIST.WPScorrections,Double-clickDouble-spacehighlightingTry pressingcalculationsDraw-Drawingelect FormaRecord/Fieldto highlightpersonalizedNAMELIST.WDBinstructionsto practice.------------To highlightparenthesis.May 27, 19911 HighlightFudman, GregGood FriendsJuly 6, 1991information,That's rightHighlightingInstructionsto the Menu.Inner Circlechoose Copy.Spreadsheetsthe documentinformation.the databaseSpreadsheetSPREADSHEETactivities.Row/Column.formula barhighlightedthe Toolbaryour reportThis is the-----------superscriptapplicationTo remove aorientationappropriatespreadsheetIn the next3 Type theIntroducingcharacters.INTL: addedAbercrombieAdventurer,paragraphs.memorizing;calculationCharacters.nightingaleinformationOnce you'veNotice thatClearwater,paragraphs:informationdownstream,ExponentialcombinationFor exampleMaky, Lenaparagraph.paragraphsreferencesto change.the recordchanging tparagraph,charactersPreviewingthroughoutindividualorganizingmangosteenRow/Columnpanda bearhorizontalThat's it!practices,formattingalignment.That's it.documents,documents.dialog boxHarringtonAlignmentsGood. YouGood. YouGood. TheGood. Nowhighlight.Thesaurus.FormattingsupercededdefinitionYou can chtoothbrushCedarvilleChange theCharactersWorks will----------With Worksjustified.When you ounderline,FAVORS.WPSunderline.frequentlyWhen you coccurrenceunderlinedintersect,intervals.DOWN ARROWVersaillesDramaWorkscomputer'sTrue/Falsecontainingpolar bearunderwatercomputerscomputer.Microsoftcomputer,the Menu.Underlineshortcutscomplete.commands.armadilloWORD1.WPSReligiousunderline---------referenceClassicalQuantity:criteria.Processortutorial.tutorial,database,database.database:quotationReplacingTime/Dateprinting.CTRL+HOMEprocessorLast NameBACKSPACEThesaurusPAGE DOWNHOTEL.WKSPROCESSORHighlightdifferentParagraphyou want.beginningalignmentdisplayedReportingPress thecharacterRodriguezpractice.prototypeInsertinglocation.document,followingparagraphdocument.document:documentsexpenses.messages.practice,,existingdisplayscommand,distancedocument--------clickingchoosingchanging1 Presschanges.1,130.001,248.572 Pressmargins.letters.finished3 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Betsy Davis Mary Deaton Beryl Doane Cindy Duppong Libby Duzan Dan Elliot Paul Elliot Jennifer Epps Robin Franklin Bo Gal Donna Garrison Eddie Greenberg Jane Gregg Ken Gregg Ron Harding Claire Holguin David Hunt@ Melissa Mul Muge Nurgun Chris Olsen Mark Olson y Omel Kent Pearson Carole Phillips LeAnn Plank Bob Pritchett Glenn Raschick Bruce Ryan Rob S David Saun Marc Shor Steve Shor Bart Smith Marty True Exit Tutorial: X Main Menu: M Credits: C Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo To Watch ppencil &. . . Like a :writer, punctuation n. . . . . . a capital T. Hold press T.B RIGHT LEFT Shift :capital n't found on a @ :writer. 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PGDN >> To Menu: M Right BmouseL Program Manager Left Button Button Please Power@ Turn on the tip of is directly pTV's power release)A jhe channel a channel hereA vof sending _twice in rapid succession. ppower to turn off Good job. pobject . . . A . . . 7ing ging later A lets Frequest. As soon as shape, yresume qice occasion shape. to an h glass shape.r technique . Dragging object, or 9of @ an object. pchannel pround _labeled A ''Power.'' basic skills, yput continue M or Uto A jhe channel. a channel PGDN >> To Menu: M < U UUUUUUU UUUUUUU- UUUUUUQ UUUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUU UUUUUQ UUUUUV ^UUUUU? UUUUV =UUUUS UUUUU UUUU? jUUUUUUUUUUUUUUW hUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU WwUUU" d~A<; Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo What about thing Ws, but >things \to A Hardw 1probably heard people refer to as hardw Just as Fstereo plays . . .A . . . runs programs, asoftw Excel Hardw Hardw Softw work |A 8 omputer hardw a stereo. 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Type Choose tings 0specified. tings: Make sure connected From Choose , refer to Opening a x're preunion choose begin Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo Mr. T.J. 6 East Wind Lane Detroit, Michigan Thank Mr. Jim Han S.F., Cali Thank Ms. Janet Vogels 183 Butterfiels Rd Clevel , Ohio Thank Ms. Ar 76 Boston Ave. Kansas City, MO Thank Mr. Thomas Mills 88 Bell Layt Washington Thank What is a zn came pen wfaster, but mistake }mean score ago," score a few years ago, :writer arrived.H Little mis fixed . . . . . . but big meant re . . . so yconcentrate on generating ideas, avoiding mis Today, taken plabor out of@ writing . . . pchisel . Writing@ wslow tedious.r What a About |A 4 Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP Right Wdemo0 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTp Mr. T.J. 6 East Wind Lane Detroit, Michigan Thank Mr. Jim Han S.F., Cali Thank Ms. Janet Vogels 183 Butterfiels Rd Clevel , Ohio Thank Ms. Ar 76 Boston Ave. Kansas City, MO Thank Mr. Thomas Mills 88 Bell Layt Washington Thank 4disc :writer. :writer, rearranging mean major revisions . . .. . . . major revisions mean ~of re Ps of interest in safari. Advantages of a Xing.A se neals, Dear Advent, Dear Advent,@ neals Tom Miller 88 Bell Rd. VA 94565 Make se neals, meals se neals, Thank Finterest in @ s. ' Never Never With a major revisions lightning fast. 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> <> Guest ho increasingly in in Bermuda. With pdollar abroad, high season t increased 20% Occupancy in 6hotels guest ho <
>@ <> Thank pdeposit of <> FBonaire trip. zbalance of <> is due by July 1st. promises to be an exciting trip. Latest gs 150-foot visibility 84-degree waterA temperature! Bonaire, here we come! znight had f Ra glass, sharp cold. Farley didn't pblinds. Instead, he took out of his briefcase spread out on If he had no choice, qeven pcold night *his senses. wtrapped, to put it to Thank pdeposit of <> FBonaire trip. zbalance of <> is due by July 1st. Bonaire, here we come!z promises to be an exciting trip. Latest gs 150-foot visibility 84-degree waterA temperature!R 0n't in so long! ? I'm ward to Fvisit in Martha Hill 123 Cherry Lane San Jose, CA My team second in oing competition. That's okay. We won Write soon.@ Mom said hard on pcar fixing. Can I 0a ride in it Word examplesA Please WORKS7 Daniel rester 6124 Cobb Ave. Daniel rester , Thank pdeposit of FBonaire trip. zbalance of is due by July 1st. Martha Hill , Thank pdeposit of FBonaire trip. zbalance of is due by July 1st. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo lexicone.wps moles.wps is much Wabersock, yrevise pWabersock, Jabberwock,, ykeep fed!A catch! pWabersock,- my son! z jaws my son! z jaws bite, p claws pWabersock , Please elect pWabersock B to: Use Xwrap. hidden Jabberwock, << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I MOLES.WPS LEXICONE.WPS Right wenterL |ing, revising ZEPHYRUS A THE OWL ! Just Lady Bug, Lady Bug, xr ho is on fire, xr children Author: Un ZEPHYRUS A THE OWLP else, must location ZEPHYRUS A THE OWL+ pmiddle of a A Groom Lady Bug, Lady Bug,A xr ho is on fire, xr children Fly a vhome.w Plumes Papyrus Publishing comp to write to prospective authors.@ What left of Xwon't fit at pend of a pwhole Xwrap wrap ends , so toA*end a Just Correcting mis orrect mis at a as it goes.A Finish acceptance pPlumes Papyrus Publishing Comp . Watch Xwrap as (wraps to to go on.A PLUMES AND PAPYRUS PLUMES AND PAPYRUS PLUMES AND PAPYRUS PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHING CO. PUBLISHING CO. Please TEXT@ Nice job. text by to go on. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right WenterS press a treats it as alphabet, such as Zto represent Congratulations! winner! Angelina Davies, $1,000,000! tto end a symbol to pspot.A Angelina Davies, $1,000,000! visible, but visible kever Special hide Zs. @ hide Git easier, (represented by a t(represented by a pend A a dot in Please click Just as CHARACTERS@ Congratulations! winner! Angelina Davies, $1,000,000! WORKS SPECIAL[ is chosen, a beside To turn off Congratulations! winner! << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN INSERTING TEXTM to end vs wraps l. But _to end a Kearly. end a treats :d as a (s, a K, or may be Xlong.A MEET AT RICK'S AMERICAN CAFE IN CASABLANCA STOP INGRIDA MEET AT RICK'S AMERICAN CAFE IN CASABLANCA STOP INGRIDA Remember, using means palphabet or end-of- zsalutation of should be on a Separate pT in ''Thank.'' made psalutation a MEET AT RICK'S AMERICAN CAFE IN CASABLANCA STOP End-of- to a a in to a a of pend pr to is at plocation INGRIDH NOTE: ''Working ,.''@ Please pT in "Thank," pcolon.$ Qof A pT in "Thank," A USING THE IN BLANK AREAS@ (in a . To do MEET AT RICK'S AMERICAN CAFE IN CASABLANCA STOP INGRIDA To end a << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Using Xwrap! Using Inserting areas What insertion Works fto do is Use at a as it goes. hide choose When chosen, a beside To turn off Xdoes qfit at end of a whole Xwrap wrap ends _to end wraps to end of a To end a areas must pr to Please Xwrap Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo sale1.wps wyse1.wps wyse2.wps Undo typing Once A polish Copy Copy Please fto let HIGHLIGHTING TEXT@ << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I SALE1.WPS WYSE1.WPS WYSE2.WPS Right WeditL (. . .A ecember . . . Hope finds happy A phrase WINDJAMMER SURF SHOP Hope finds happy zWindjammer Surf Shop > Right WeditS using A To paragraph click in Practice margin that s, ''As per request . . . . '' click in highlight Good. ydo a of things such as dit to )Depending on doing, 2 Drag Please Drag "M" in "Mr.," ,"Eugene," A "Eugene." s "Dear Mr. Wyse," p"D" in "Dear."E "As per Frequest," "A" in "As."- "M" in "Mr." press Practice ''Eugene'' next to says, ''Dear Mr. Wyse: '' A Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN A To Good. ydo a of things such as dit to tis a it faster to key or RIGHT Practice beginning of X''As'' word.A Kat a again to continue Five 0ing Practice sentence. paragraph. document.A Please in "Mr."2 press X"As," in "As."# p"M" in "Mr," Three s in status p"A" in "As," Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN very transfers WINDJAMMER Activewear BaggyT VestsC Booties (. . .* . . . paste it @ puts a duplicate of Jams$ (. . .* location to . . . Activewear BaggyT VestsC Booties . . .@ After considering (Surf Shop logo, we tled on . We think it best represents A uimage. We hope agree! TO: Surf Shop Investors FR: Surf N. Dude, owner Surf Shop logoT ut or puts Ra temporary storage Surf N. Dude Owner, Each cut or pClip Windjammer Surfshop Activewear BaggyT VestsC Booties Please MOVING AND COPYING TEXT@ OR PICTURES@ After select a it to location in . . . paste it @ paste >thing, << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> UUUUUUUUUUUUU? UUUUUUUUUUUUU? UUUUUUUUUUUUU- UUUUUUUUUUUUU? UUUUUUU? UEUUUU% UUUUT U_UUU UUUUUW UUUUUW UUUUUO UUUUUO UUUUU UUUUTO UUUUT UUUUT UUUUT UUUUT UUUU` UUUUU UUUU( UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU UUUUU/ UUUUUG UUUUU< UUUUUO UUUUU PUUUUO UUUUU2 UUUUU< UUUUU* UUUUU5 UUUUU UUUUU* UUUUU5 UUUUU? UUUUU* UUUUG UUUU UUUUUA UUUUU_x UUUUU? UUUUU UUUUU !UUUUUU UUUUAU? UUUU\T: PUUU> Show Me: PGDN Great! 1copied Please Perhaps would better paste it at Copy. Paste. end of pend of end of pEND saste. A To select pHOME RIGHT ,"Jams," "Baggy T," "Booties," "Jams," it is top of ,"Jams," "Baggy T," "Booties," "Jams," Copy Eof clothing to end of contain ''Jams,'' ''Baggy T,'' and ''Booties.'' Copy. pend of Paste. A Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN WINDJAMMER Activewear BaggyT VestsC Booties Jams4 555-SURF, 323-SHOP "Remember, does put a pClip character s of X''Pro'' doesn't belong p''P'' in ''Pro.'' times to J''Pro.'' more extra Great! s of Please Great! Deleting AND PICTURES@ DELETING TEXT@ DEL A "P" in "Pro," DELETE JPro. DELETEA sale js . . .," p"T" in " it is UNDOING THE@ PREVIOUS@ COMMAND@ made to to undo pUndo Qof A "Pro," "P" in "Pro."/ pDELETE "Pro."f sale js . . .," "T" in " 555-SURF, 323-SHOP Deleting as cutting hoose J, a pClip at a or a Choices:CTRL+F1 Show Me: PGDN PGDN >> << PGUP Highlighting s of Please zUndo }ing First, Highlight Delete Undoing To undo pUndo undo a Now undo pdeletion. Undo. Great! zUndo reverses recent e }ing made.A Copying Deleting s of Move want Drag entire Once Twice Three Five Once Twice Moving Highlight From choose Cut. Move From choose Copying Highlight From choose Move From choose Deleting or Cut Yto Undoing a To undo ZUndo. zUndo apply to DELETEA !"I've got good us . . .," "I" in "I've," $"I've got good us . . .," p"I" in "I've," it is pUndo click Undo. A pUndo hold Undoing a to reverse arecent e }ing made. Highlighting Move want Hold press an -OR-D Choices:CTRL+F1 Show Me: PGDN PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo balou_c.wpsS lets empha professional. @ paid paid . . . or as paid l. . .@ Please or phrases. fonts font Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP balou_c Right WformcL . . .@ Strike subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript subscript @ Subscript superscript superscript superscript superscript superscript superscript Superscript . . . font . . ./ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV qrstuv Font ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV qrstuv Strikethr Subscript Subscript Superscript Superscript s at menu. Font: ont & r& Sp cing. . . T@ abs. . . s. . . ^ g+EQUAL SIGN +EQUAL SIGN LETTER.WPS elect Forma nsert Character Subscript Superscript elect nsert Some a deta end of [Guide. Pictu e. . . D << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> FLOOR PLAN A Choosing hoose a Please Plain A Font & part of ''Dear Member'' to Dear Member:'' choose Font & ,"Dear Member:" "D" in "Dear," ART'S ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING SUPPLIES Art's serves #2000 architects. some of ,"Dear Member:" p"D" in "Dear," << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Right WformcS7 ' 55 Please method. ''BALOU'' to BALOU.'' y ''BALOU'' ted in ,"July 10, 1992" Fharacters (still Vno longer to plain Plain $''Dear.'' Dear.'' zdate ted in ,"BALOU," p"B" in "BALOU," ,"Dear," p"D" in "Dear," it is ,"July 10, 1992" p"J" in "July," ,"Dear," , but ,"BALOU," c''July 10, 1992'' to font July 10, 1992'' Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Please Choosing hoose a Plain choose Art's y ''Art's ted in ted, _to turn off. YOU TYPE@ A STYLES AS CHOOSING Art's :, simply choose appreciates businessX appreciates FbusinessA as plain << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Art's Supplies art's suppliesD appreciates your business7 Please to empha phrases, or 1 What is Character ance of , or provides Italic Under Strike Normal Superscript Subscript From menu, Font & Choose Choose Font: What is formatting? formats 2 1 Font & 2 dialog -OR-A font to ard memo heading . . . 4 Re Fharacters 2 to plain SizesX elect Forma nsert Fonts A FONTS AND SIZES@ CHOOSING fonts available to depend on . To ufont or font pFont Font Size D, or Font & . . . pmain pmemo. enhance ance of yfollow font fonts B font Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo balou_p.wpsS Left Bottom Unless wise, evenly at Line on a in '' |.''A paragraphs. Indent around Please three photo safaris. tight Dive. ship, Clearwater, short distance two graph Hudson A << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I balou_p Right WformpL abs... Pictu INT'L: {4/19 of a or a LETTER.WPSI . . . . . . . . .A Beacon elect nsert r& Sp cing... . . . or A a half. menu.@ [Guide. Font: elect Forma nsert Please LINE SPACING FLOOR PLAN A +O -- +0 -- no +Q -- normal - no Odesired Paragraph After 3ighlight eJust ART'S ARCHITECTURAL DRAWING SUPPLIES Art's serves #2000 architects. some of ont & oose << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right WformpS$ Great! zextra easier to read.* -in a button or pDouble- -a-half.O Great! Please more readable by ing a that choose box, "B" in "BALOU," click menu, p"B" in "BALOU," hold Double- Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Practice address. eed, INDENTS s to aragraphs aligned unless wise. Adventure Hudson short offer undersea tight Hudson ship, short photograph bottom.A proud to three comprehensive on a tight offer ship, Clearwater, travel short distance downstream, graph Hudson Justified evenly both {-aligned. Most end evenly Please "A" in "Art's," press "A" in "Art's," cified ALIGNMENTSN in a variety of menu. Left evenly << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN vs to@ Adventure offer undersea . . . . . .A . . . or $both . . . or prest of Adventure offer undersea ship, ]in Beac prest of a . . .A Indent Adventure offer undersea With Mers to Hanging Undo Hanging Nested Undo NestedM ^Shortcuts . . .A [Guide. Ruler WORD12 ation Adventure tight << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwp ddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd` Xwrap fed.G Here >examples of comprehen- sive ship, First Left Kat a prest of might tings:A Adventure tight Adventure tight a ''hanging a negativeA 1'' -1'' Here >examples of Please click menu, p1st Line Indent p1st Line Indent Left Right Give of .2 choose 2 In 1st Line Indent type << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN ysurround ?. . . . . . or psides put a ?around Normal Double Adding pLine price s out Please pA Out Put a ?around 2 Under B 3 Under Line Bold. BORDERSI yput around accent Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN Border s, such . . .A comprehen- sive ship, . . . stored in pend A (joins s of ship, ]in Beac York.B is now immediately pmain Line Alignments Indents Please paragraphs Indents & indents paragraphs =selected sides. to be normal, -, or space or Press Press Press -a-half. Indents & and/or After type pdesired eed, paragraphs button Press Press Press Press cified comprehen- sive ship, ship, ]in Beac York.B << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo winners.wps breeds.wps attend.wpsS . . . modify . . . a variety of This summer, Join us ney to world's awild > Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP attend.wps winners.wps breeds.wps Right WcolL Line :writer -- to control ment of reflect chosen. 1989! to align , but tinstead assures be aligned Adventure visible at .5''A intervals ( 1990 TRIP SALES $ Please CREATING COLUMNS AND |LES@ is to les. With les, xr custom ds to WORD15 a guide to Fown Left Decimal nia Coast 15,000 Cayman 24,000 Cook 99,000 Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP EVENING@ EDITION FRIDAY 35 CENTS4 INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION: A DOGS OF ROY Dog owners pworld hbe ga pring p Big Dome to s off -legged distinguished (cont. on pg. 2B) .Chester's Boy, a Great Pyrenees owned by *Amelia Wi prs, won f teen national ,competitions is p presiding champion -of p steeplec e run. He is pson of a ch 1ST CHOICE: CHESTER'S BOY DOG BREATH !28, S C H E D U L E OF EVENTS Saturday, July 6, 1988 8:00 Breed Parade 9:00 Obedience 10:30 Frisbee skills 11:00 HerdingC It's a popular s, but on July 5-7, pfinest of yines pant largest dis- plays of dog training skills.U pannouncer pInternational Royal Dog produce icipants.# in aA tabs- in a reate a Please Good. To Kof a . Try it now. s a hidden keep phidden 6 Repeat want to dto a table. TAB twice. |twice. click Remember, stored in pend of a e To be sure table. |twice. symbols represent: le in Ns a ttwice to Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> show 3 Show Me: PGDN Right WcolS9 Ms to align 251 912 in Kunder Wheadings. p2 in 251. Please Ms to align 251 912 in Kunder Wheadings. p9 in 912. (is in Ms. @ p2 in 251, p2 in 251, p9 in 912, p9 in 912, Qof 9. 0put DELETEA pMay LEFT zre is an extra table. dit so pMay column. Y.D Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN default d at .75 inchA Please hange default ting, 0.5''' Tabs.@ pdefaultA type @ the desired default $.5'' to .75''. choose Tabs. box, _. . .B . . . pdefault@ ting. WORD1 to .5'' cit to iever interval THE DEFAULT |SPACING@ to eraseA XBoxer. }Tabs.A pDefault Tab pDefault Tab hold pMay LEFT initi at .5'' intervals on desired interval by ''Boxer.'' time.A << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN 0.75" _. . .B Sept. Nov. @ At point' ]leader 1.50'' o@ To Jan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mar. . . . . . . . . . . . . Apr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . May . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !. . . . . . . . . . . . July . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aug. . . . . . . . . . . . . . !Sept. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nov. . . . . . . . . . . . . A Dec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . X Quantity o@ To jhe A Quantity Leader Code- . . . Fown at a variety of Dept. Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes ShoesA Dept. Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes Shoes ShoesA Quantity 990.87 4.875 765.876 89.90 76.98 6.987 43.43 54.430 675.897 640.487A 90.90 o@ To . . . - - - ___ 9 visible at .5''A intervals ( Sept. Nov. A Dec.K leader 0selected Tabs ybe aligned pdefault d by A Please 2.64''u default Fown Setting custom 2 In type "5 Repeat Tabs.A leader CREATING YOUR |STOPS@ .40'' << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> 0chosen. rewrite both Choosing . Once ed, A Great! is now it no longer locates , it .5 increment. WORD1 pTabs @ menu.H aligned , or @ leader osition Leader A Alignment" Default Tab pacing Ruler Royal Flush First PlaceC Please Great. }Tabs.A Royal FlushA First PlaceA at 3 1 In type 2to a @ ulocation on . . . Eof winners in pdog competition. 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DELETE.B in a point to point to column. 4 5 to a at .5'' Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo grant.wps Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo gives even `power flexibility.A olors WINDJAMMER Activewear BaggyT VestsC Booties Jams% Surf N. Dude Owner, Windjammer Surfshop pClip later to to enhance Please Add a Processor ment of Revise This summer, Join us ney to world's awild > Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP Right WdrawL2 pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{p pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpBM~ pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|p wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxp pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwsBM~ pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~p wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxp pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~BM~ pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{p pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpBM pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww|p wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwqp pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpBM pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~p wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~p pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwxBM pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{p pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpBM pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww{p pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpBM~ pwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwppwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwppwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwppwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwppwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwppwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwppwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwppwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwpp With own Add clip art -- created FRESH SEAFOOD << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> This summer, Join us ney to world's awild > Just . . .) 0to be a magician to LETTER.WPS Font: Dear Traveler, Join us ney to elect Forma nsert ORKS olors . . . import _. . .4 ing a rto update place point ZExit And Return. nine Fown to an ). ; CREATING A DRAWING USING THE DRAWINGA TOOLS! Please to a @ 3 Use to import or press F1. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> 1 Pointer2 )procedures ZTools 0to be an artist to enhance graphics: various pdrawA 6 Rectangle / Squ Pointer to select, Draw objects. choices. 3 Line 9 Text 4 Ellipse / Circle to draw straight 5 Rounded Rectangle* ydraw ellipses circles tool., follow to @ 7 Arcl yzoom in on of a detail. menu p7 levels of @ magnification.- tool to draw@ rectangles tool to draw rectangles ]rounded corners. Line Polygon Rectangle procedures ZTools 2 Place to draw object ( K, circle, rectangle, arc, free Here's an example of head bA of olors olors With thing. This summer, Join us ney to world's awild > << PGUP graphics such as pclip art comes ing clip art to FRESH SEAFOOD# . . . revise it . . . olors Font: yimport a . . . put it ADDING CLIPA Please Adding clip art clip art: 2 In Lies ZClipArt. 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Select Object from @$3 ZExit And Return. olors Line pr... rto update Please becomes oobjects to revise shape, color, or of a of a of a of a 2 right to a 3 alignment aof a select Picture. 3 upercentage height or measurement, or both. 1 Adding a place Drawing. 3 Use or import a 4 Draw, ZExit And Return. 5 rto update document *d as Menu:M Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo program.wpsS tasks Party Planners' be a spektacular Creative catering tips planning events Hawaiian Luau to a German Oktoberfest* A wonderful ufilm Check spectacular @ wonderful ufilm July ook up synonyms in a thesaurus Find a July Find . . . ''classes''> Exciting cooking classes spektacular @ YOUR SPELLING@ A CHECKING Please spektacular @ An exciting ufilm exciting ufilm Check ]synonyms. Search zre is an error ing or running &Speller. 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X, or the Ignore _to leave it as it is. ca portion Spell Here's pprogram. Go ahead, @of a ''Program Notes'' paragraph. choose Check Spelling.# Please n't in pdictionary. Here pdirector's eis spelled pIgnore _to leave A eas it is.' Great! Now pprogram doesn't p"Program Notes" pCheck Spelling pSuggest pSuggest Suggest. pIgnore pIgnore tIgnore.@ pCheck Spelling Check Spelling.b found a misspelled pSuggest possible @s of n't in pdictionary. Here pdirector's eis spelled p"Program Notes" "T" in it is Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Spelling Finding WORKS WINDOWSm spelled |ly, but Wbetter in the best a synonym. with cisn't quite Dear Ms. J Uing Fmanuscript pr revisions. Wh ppiece is "thorough, }ors found it to be verbose. Pending revisions, we plan to accept publication.A synonyms X. . . 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Nice Spelling X, but as well. yaccomplish both tasks!A WORKS WINDOWSg Xs in replacing Xs in Finding A REPLACING Please coming Fri !12, pHOME zFind.A Xor phrase in that it occurs in 7ing, FindingQ one. ing a FINDING TEXT MariaA pFind hold Finding << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Maria mariaD or phrase Day. Find: picnic REPLACE?( 3replacing a X. . .( . . . or Xat once! picnic picnic picnic picnic Day. Day. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Xs in s it, or s at 1 Since occurrence of Very good. Now patre pprogram. Spelling Finding Spelling document. choose Check Spelling. Spell 3 Decide on Laction unrecognized Xs to a personal dictionary, ask possible @s, or accept it is.B Finding Xor phrase: beginning of Find. 4 Decide if the whole X, or an exact upper/lower case match. 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Its hinges consist of 9 s of armor, slide upon 2 feet long, including tail, weighsA up to 15 pounds. zArmadillo got $early Spanish explorers. e, ''little arm thing,'' comes tough bony plates body. Armadillos qgreat fighters. teeth well mouth, Gs it difficultA to bite in self-defense.V insects. little hair.B 1 - May 14, 1990 2 - May 14, 1990 1 - May 14, 199B A st Please Set << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> thesis.wps Instructions:CTRL+I Right WprintLF UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQ* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQ* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUQ* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* UUUUUUUUUU UUUUQ* UUUURUUUUUYUUUUQ* UUUUBUUUUT UUUQ* UUUUO UUUQ* UUUUQ UUUUC UUUQ* UUUUV UUUUQ UUUR* UUUUW`UUUUA UUUQ* UUUUOp iUUUS* UUUUO| UUUR* &eUUS* |UQ*| U>qT9 UO|T1 )UUO? eUMS* UUNQ* UULP* eUU9P* UUUU9 UUUNUR* UUUUO UUUUUUU9UQ* UUUUS UUUUUUTeUQ* UUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUU UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUR* ytell 8.5''E Legal is 14 long by 8.5 wide.A Setting "length "length Page 2A" In length type length. January 2 SIZE@ Please @ 2 return @ DOCUMENT@ YOUR@ PREVIEWING PRINTING ANDJ is 11 long by 8.5 wide. 3 In type tings or [basic a graduate student writing a psis padventures of pworld's machine test pilot. to polish psis final publication.A J'' Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Right WPrintS length pedge of tings ================= ============ ================= ======= ================= pamount of pedge A ntell SETTING MARGINS@ Please Great! Now, , it hfit on st (8.5'' by 11'') to Legal. it to ard ( Page 2 In Length type length hold << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Setting Measure pedge A telling readers are in a HEADERS@ P By n decreases "s in A CREATING AND FOOTERS@ of a Community Involvement boaters concerned palarming levels of pollution found in plake. 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Archival StudiesA regular pUse zsis PaperA *s a pUse pUse In ses, Choose pUse $directly in Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN THESIS PAPER Archival Studies thesis paper archival studies << PGUP page to A insert as a dotted Kacross ! Remember, kever is full. Use _less A on a 1written a grant proposal Fboss uto re for her. button ( OK to pESCAPE Please INT'L: -organizer to be p2nd to organizer in PC KJ 4/8{ "or a PRINTING ALL OR PART OF@ to be ses.h 1written a grant proposal Fboss uto re for her. Print. begin DOCUMENT YOUR% would now be mode "or zoom in to Make ing a detected tings qmatch settings. still continue Dquite pContinue pContinue tA Continue.) pContinue Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Printing document! More Page Page 2 In length type length. 3 In ntell Page ting.B 4 More Remember, vs to directly Use 0a choice of: aligned No ytell line page --OR-- From Insert Break. Printing Please Print.# Print 3 In 4 In type begin hold Print 3 In ses, page to be Headers & paragraphs. header or now be Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo resume.wpsS Resume 1989 A Education Work Experience Personal It's to update Fresume, ydo it Please Applying skills to a 2of tasks.A gives skills . If ]a procedure, g+F1 ZHint.@ Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right WputS end of presume, pEND isn't quite That's to fix. heading pADVERTISING Here it is. Start by award at pend of resume. Cor of pYear pend of presume.A Good! Return to ptop of presume.A Great! zre's `to do.A Please ZRESUME.WPS, p"Advertising" press p"Advertising" "A" in "Advertising," it is A presume, pHOME Cut.A above WRITING, saste. A Now, to empha ADVERTISING , put it pheading. pADVERTISING above pWRITING ZRESUME.WPS, RESUME.WPS in Cor of pYearA above WRITING above WRITING.e ever, Vbest to pend of s to Open aResume. 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Now pheading is eed.A zresume is too wide. to .75.A Much better! wider on zresume is Please hold Close.A hold Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M "xxxxxxxxxx" Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo *Expenses Hudson Cozumel Barrier Reef -_________ ____________ _______ ___________ Air f Lodging Meals Guides Equipment InsuranceA OverheadC $12,060 1,945 23,764A $45,475A 7,340 $57,750A 13,500 WHAT IS A A TRAVEL6 organize . . . 1990 Expense Lease Utilities Equipment Teleph Commission Travel $825 5,233 $825 5,855 1,405 421A $850 6,931 9,496A 10,206A 10,420A AVERAGE:A !Expenses Winter Spring Summer _____? $825 4,844 8,846A 9,742A It's at a glance. . . . &Expenses Winter Spring Summer $825 4,844 9,742A 8,846A 9,496A 10,206A 10,420A THE ADVANTAGES build a frame Labels: Expenses Winter Spring Summer $825 5,855 1,405 421B does 9,742B 8,846A THE ADVANTAGES Headings WHAT IS A A Please DWORKS Underwater Photo Safaris Cozumel Barrier Reef@ What a About Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP Right SdemoH Insurance $7,233 Japan Trips $3,499.00 $12.23 $1,765.78 $743.65 $453.00A $123.00= - 54 Figuring tape calculator ybe . . . $9,005 16,555 3000 A 5,454 77,551 79,178 / 728.09 165.89 34.28 759.21A 86.723 $7,978 $34,900 $546A $1,245; . . . #whelming!A Adventure celebrated fifth anniversary bprof Thanks to 's hard bookings clientA satisfaction skyrocketed.q Say goodbye to calculating jungle! With ]greater speed accuracy. A Just Zonce . . .A Winter Summer Total: Year Total:% $2,234 5,788A 12,345% $9,005 16,555 5,454( $1,053 9,232 6,000A 8,773* . . . 21,101 31,392 25,058 77,551 financial, statistical, scientific . . . SUM (Sum) AVG ( ACOS (Arccosine) EXP ( LOG (Logarithm) SQRT (Squ Root) TRUE (Logical Value) DATE ( SNumber) (Future Value) RAND (R om Number) . . . If con }ions vary, or if speculate might happen, $9,005 16,555 3000 A 5,454p If con }ions vary, or if speculate might happen, does 21,101 34,010 B 25,058 79,178 A a final version of |it or Winter Spring SummerB Nlots of kinds of ls . . . BAR STACKED BAR oB % BAR LINE STACKED LINE PIE X-Y (SCATTER) HI-LO-CLOSE' Zon a Perhaps pnicest feature of Zeasily to a Winter L SummerA 21,101 31,392 25,058* $9,005 16,555 378 A 5,454- 21,101 34,010 B 25,058 EUROPE AFRICA AMERICAS ] >thing a fresh approach, organize A a final version of |it or << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> b n b *Expenses Hudson Cozumel Barrier Reef -_________ ____________ _______ ___________ Air f Lodging Meals Guides Equipment InsuranceA OverheadC $12,060 1,945 23,764A $45,475A 7,340 $57,750A 13,5007 DWORKS Underwater Photo Safaris First income season is Here's a basic agency's income packages.A Adventure Travel Income StatementA yOdyssey Swiss Schuss Peru & Pacific Dreams Season Totals:8 calculates pyearly income . . .A A $73,763 ) A"$19,025 $19,431 $16,402 $18,905D Winter Spring Summer Year . . . income season . . . energy is analyzed %month.A A $73,763 0 First, pamount of energy calculates s . . .A . . . pcosts . . .A $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 Winter Spring Summer Ecotope Energy Project Site 1 January 1992 B pdata clearly energy Energy KWH @ $0.05A Upstairs Heat Basement Heat TOTAL HEAT Dryer Water Heater TOTAL APPLIANCES GRAND TOTALA Percent percentages.A 249B 364 104 329A 1249B 1682 2295 364B 613 4.5% 14.3% 54.4%A 73.3% 10.8% 15.9%A 26.7%" 4.5% 14.3% 54.4%A 73.3% Ecotope Energy Project Percent Energy UseB total dryer water SOME EXAMPLES . . .B A"$19,025 $19,431 $16,402 $18,905 A quick seasonal income is fairly constant.A SOME EXAMPLES . . .B Cozumel Barrier Reef@ 1249A 1682$ 364C 613 2295 10.8% 15.9%A 26.7% $5,586 $10,672 $4,321 $20,579 # $9,441 $6,109 $15,550 & $1,284 $3,224 $6,004 , $8,300 $6,920 $5,050 $11,360 $31,630 $5,586 $10,672 $4,321 $9,441 $6,109 $1,284 $3,224 # $8,300 $6,920 $5,050 $11,360 $5,586 $10,672 $4,321 $20,579 $9,441 $6,109 $15,550 $1,284 $3,224 $6,004 # $8,300 $6,920 $5,050 $11,360 $31,630 $115L 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% A << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Stock Portfolio Client: Janet Yu A Here's a keeps a stock portfolio.A Buying Close Current Stock Price Today Net Worth BostonInc. Microtalk Trax-Rio Medix CrystalLtd JavaFruit EastPowerA 200 400 450 800 300A $8.00 36.25 19.50 32.75 12.25 43.88 112.00 13.88A Total:A stock prices brought in a communications package.A $8.25 35.00 12.88 62.88 13.25 50.50 112.25 14.00B recalculates net worth.A BtI Mct T-R Mdx Cyl TXW Fed Jav EPwA $4000 $3000 $2000 Stock PortfolioA Janet Yub $8.25 35.00 12.88 62.88 13.25 50.50 112.25 14.00B $50.00 -62.50 -662.00 3,013.00 400.00 662.00 -630.00 3,704.00 36.00B $6,516.75B $50.00 -62.50 -662.00 3,013.00 400.00 662.00 -630.00 3,704.00 36.00B $6,516.75B lof net worth pgains plosses.A Please THE WORKS watched sampled versatility. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo thing WEEKEND FULL WEEKB headings Row headings vSki VacationsB WEEKEND FULL WEEKB 30 B Lodging Tickets LessonsB vSki VacationsB Please Lodging Tickets LessonsB Recognize pdifference Use a Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP Right SenterL First, let's take a A of Cells pbuilding . . . . . . 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WINTER SEASON LightsA $850.00 200.00 1,400.00 175.00A $600.00 325.00 875.00 175.00A $1,450.00 525.00 2,275.00 350.00 2,260.00A 3,755.00 3,105.00 6,860.00 B Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Aligning Right menu: Highlight From menu, choose Choose Choose Highlight alignment Highlighting a Formatting Aligning Adding Please Highlighting 1 pupper that 2 Drag upper 3 nto A extend ycel a _outside Formatting nine Fixed Percent True/False ntial Time/ Leading Zeros menu: Highlight want to From menu, choose Choose Choose Adding empha Measier to read. Fell or want to Changing in a Under Italic Highlight want From menu, choose Choose Choose Adding empha Measier to read. 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Copy Totalc 3,740 4,855 7,170 5,600 2,615 Please 4,350 2,500 1,765 18,885 7,475 1,340 3,580 325 2,220 2,750 10,380 6,750 1,955 3,580 2,220 2,750 10,380 6,750 1,955 Total B Total B 38,600 30,130A 38,600 30,130 30,225 A Apr B Instead of thing 38,600 29,805A 11,670 2,740 1,400 7,820 9,370 36,435 1,185 19,825 5,910 2,600 A 98,955 Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP HERBFARM.WKS FORECAST.WKS Right ScopyL MILLERS Please 5u A14, 5u A14 tF5, tF5, saste. Copying text @ 3 are!A AND NUMBERSM text of a COPYING TEXTR 2Miller's Herb Farm to keep crops.@ Copy pherb WA to A14. choose Copy pherb WA to choose W 2 W = f f f ? q 7 0 f Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN << PGUP Right ScopyS Please COPYING FORMULAS_ Copying 0except copied, presult. A Total Copying to re =SUM(A4:C4)* Remember, opy a =SUM(A6:C6); References won't ad kcopied. =SUM(A3:C3) =SUM(A5:C5) Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP references in a Please c, a might : =SUM ($A$3:$A$6)% choose choose fed here both =D5/$D$15A $D5 to D6, stayed tE6, saste. tE6, AND ROWS FILLING COLUMNSo across a 8Down =D5/$D$15A Relative Absolute D5 is $D$15 is Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN =D5/$D$15 =d5/$d$15D or dates in adjacent 8Series 2of values, CREATING A 8ing Fill Down or Please Copy in E6 pherbs. E14. Fill Down. SERIES OF VALUES E14 E14, 8Down. _to go on. Personal Bud Wor a in a March April YearA #Food Insur DuesA 534A 160A 150A 3,543A 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350A 350 W. . .A 150B . . . or 3,543 3,543A 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150B nice ulocations. 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Choose a unit of measure increment Choose Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo sales.wksS Please Category _____________ Vibrat Samba Samba Heavy Fusion Music's Finest Hit Parade January 30, 1992A fto e of a fto . . .A __________ Bongo Love Madness Wipe Out String Bucky Category _____________ Vibrat Samba SambaA Heavy Fusion: _____ . . . Artist _____________ Ted & zPanics Beedle & pBongos Dottie Dottie zFloating Duck __________ String Bongo Love Madness Wipe Out Bucky . . . Category _____________ Heavy Fusion Vibrat Samba SambaA Heavy Fusion . . . 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Deleting F8.D Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Black Eye Kidney Refried Bar-b-que Pork n' Garbanzo Boston Zin a Black Eye Kidney Refried Barbeque Pork n' Garbanzo Boston 1.30 1.13 2.00 Quantity 1.30 1.13 2.00 3956 1.30 1.13 2.00 Black Eye Kidney Refried Bar-b-que Pork n' Garbanzo Boston Black Eye Kidney Refried Barbeque Pork n' Garbanzo Boston it out ing @ then / To zWorking BeanB zWorking BeanB 3956 1.30 1.13 2.00 CELL: y, Palm Tree does belong on Please Great! ENTRIESH }, or clear First, Black Eye Kidney Refried Bar-b-que Pork n' Garbanzo Boston Yto clear a Black Eye Kidney Refried Bar-b-que Pork n' Garbanzo Boston Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN c''Unit'' to ''Plant.'' PlantA . Now Please ent. A few simple Ds much better.A y, clear choose tA4, tA4, "d" in "Daffydils," A10.! click hold tA3, PlantA zre's a mis @in A4. Instead of re 3 Use LEFT letter ''d'', Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN plant "daffodilsD "daffydils "daffdils Please Mbased on values in specified In a there vs to Volume Total _________ _______ __________A R & B Blues Imports Reggae JazzA 173 724 615 316 128 307 478B $920 1,212 4,344 6,760 3,995 2,843 1,025 1,992 3,820A ________ _______ ________ Total 4,009 $27,687B Ascending (A-Z)A Blues Imports R & B Reggae Descending (Z-A){ Reggae R & B Imports Blues Numbers Ascending ( 0,1,2, . . .){ Reggae R & B Imports Blues $6,770 4,334 3,995 3,820 2,843 1,992 1,212 1,025 1040 724 615 478 316 307 173 131 128 November 316 724 128 478 173 131 3070B Reggae R & B Imports Blues $3995 2,843 4,344 1,025 3,820 1,212 6,760 1,992A 307 131 173 478 128 724 316 615A $307 6,760 1,212 3,820 1,025 4,334 2,843 3,995A 307 131 1040 173 478 128 724 316 615 B R & B Blues Reggae Imports $776 1,025 1,212 1,992 2,843 3,820 3,995 4,344 6,670A SORTING ROWS Danny's Disksc R & B Blues Imports Reggae 128 131 173 307 316 478 615 724 1040 B Descending (. . . 2,1,0 )g Imports Reggae Blues R & B << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Sorting Don't @ Fells gSort Rows. in a 6or third ppreceding identical.A chose to p1st Good. znursery data is now alphabetized by plant Mini subhead Use pdoit alpha to zdoit should be Zin Z. Deleting columns or Sorting Moving , except transfers instead of Highlight want to From ZCut. Highlight From Deleting columns or yeasily Highlight want to From Delete Insert Sorting Highlight From Sort Rows. In p1st field, proposes you chose to Type in wish to sort by. Choose Ascend or Descend each Choose Please zSort Rows. Sort by plant 4:A9. choose Sort Rows.A }, or clear Highlight Change changing 5 Use formula /Complete Choices:CTRL+F1 Show Me: PGDN PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo babbitt.wks translate . . .A World Trends Re 7InstituteA -Energy Use 0Mobility 1,365 4,162 A 5Population 1,130 1,600 2,510 4,600A . . . Rgraphic shapes.A ydisc #patterns trends MANITOBA O W L S U R V E Y 8 Once Works build a Great Grey Great Horned Snowy Barred @ E.Screech N.Saw-whet N.Hawk Boreal Just led . . . A Great Grey Great Horned Snowy Barred A E.Screech 1980 . . . 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BABBITT.WKS.D << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN ?a basic lis A ptip of piceberg! oB Add Add grid Add a .axis. colors. 1@ Each lis linked to a Add a ?around Please Once ltoo. highlight From choose Minimize _to minimize las a oose $six Stacked Line XY (Scatter) Combination Yor on type chose.B And lots "Guide to %" in [Guide. in a data remains , but create a existing Close Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Babbitt Stock Fund Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo energy.wks 3ave @ go Grapes of Wrath In Dubious Battle Of Mice & MenB zRed Pony$ 89B Steinbeck Book ycustomize Employee Anderson Billiam Darby Engle Futoni Giovanni Hortin Ivansk Janston LippertB Mayqued 1,233 1,233 1,233g 253 205 274 200 291 205 162 253 205 162A 291 h 847 745 959 900 942 745 633 847 745 938 length, printed 8.5'' Portrait Employee Anderson Billiam Darby Engle Futoni GiovanniB 1,233 1,233 253 205 274 200 291 205A 847 745 959 900 942 745A Sick 80hrs. Vacation 80hrs. A Bottom LeftA yalter Ds by modifying K,or [basic @ return @ SETTING Print Select @ 2 PREVIEWING PRINTING AND AND MARGINS Please SIZE, ORIENTATION,o Set yalter Ds by modifying 9, A K, or J'' Choices:CTRL+F1 energy.wks PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP Right SprintL 8.5'' is 11 Legal is 14 long by 8.5 wide.B Legal Spr.A Sum. Portrait4 zportrait scape scape7 scape be convenient ECOTOPE* 2 In ses, top of $, or both to ADDING HEADERS AND Ecotope consultants to estimate energy dem ECOTOPE ENERGY A CONSULTANTS ENERGY A CONSULTANTS 8.5''< of a to ex plengths #2 In length ses, ex measurements. 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Adding footers+ Printing spreadsheet Adding Printing Changing Changing Changing Go ahead, Print.A Highlight pportion of spreadsheet From Area. portion chosen, To re a to highlight ZSet Area.` Insert or Row. \to A control --OR-- Print Kof a Kof a both 9is to correctly, 9in A 6 Adding Insert Break. or Row. Kto s Setup & 2 In length boxes, ex plength Printer 5 In pOrientation Portrait or L scape.B Please From Page type measurement of want Choose Go ahead, Print.A 4 Adding From Headers & Type want in Choose Setup & 2 In length boxes, Printer 5 In pPaper Size Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo sumatra.wksS Applying skills to a 2of tasks.A SUMATRA FRUITA COMPANY$ SUMATRA FRUITA COMPANY^ importing exotic Ind sian s. In pSumatra Fruit@ finish Please gives skills . If ]a procedure, g+F1 ZHint.@ Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right SputS in alphabetical $1,700 $4,300 $3,400A $2, $1,400 $1,800 $4,600A $3,500 A MAY SALES* rambutan jack durian Austin Fruit Santa Fe Totals: $12,000 $11,750 alphabetical Sort xin A5:A9. Good! according to palphabetical $4,300 $1,700A $3,4005 $1,800 $3,500 $1,400A $4,600 Fruit in a First, pSanta Fe FRUIT COMPANY SUMATRA Please 5ough A9, zSort Rows. Open aSUMATRA.WKS.A Here's SUMATRA.WKS. OpenA 5ough A9, ZSUMATRA.WKS, ZSUMATRA.WKS, SUMATRA.WKS in durian jack rambutanA Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> sumatra.wks sumatra xxxxxxxxxxxxx A MAY SALES Austin Santa Fe Fruit Please FRUIT COMPANY9 2700 A in C5 durian SUMATRA2 6500 A We'll prest. $4,300 $1,700A $3,4007 ed it in. $2,700 $6,500 $5,400 $3,600A $7,800 Totals:5 $1,800 $3,500 $1,400A $4,600& That sales. 6500A in C3. 2700A to match D (15 lwide).A to match jto go on.A WheadingA Austin pSUM in B11. tB11, tB11, B11.> in a now, {ula, M to pAutosum W, but Vstill too Drag is visible. {ula, pAutosum durian jack rambutanA Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Duluth duluth Align (in A11 to Please D11, D11, A MAY SALES Austin Santa Fe NEXT+ durian jack ramabutanA Fruit Totals:0 $4,300 $1,700A $3,400 $12,000 $26,000 $11,7504 $2,700 $6,500 $5,400 $3,600 $7,800A $1,800 $3,500 $1,400A $4,600 FRUIT COMPANY SUMATRA Nice job. Now Santa Fe Copy in B11 to C11 click A hold ,B11 D11, Austin pSUM in B11. D11, ,B11 D11, Alignment 0 (zero)A Alignment But if menu.* as currencyA Make durian jack rambutanA Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> $4,300 $1,700A $3,400? lto comp of jack A MAY SALES FRUIT COMPANY Fruit Austin Santa Fe/ durian jack ramabutanA $2,700 $6,500 $5,400 $3,600 $7,800A $1,800 $3,500 $1,400A $4,600 Totals: $12,000 $26,000 $11,750 NEXT+ Make a pjack Nice Return to SUMATRA Please Close.A pBottom Bottom SUMATRA.WKS. pBottom Add a Add a kA9:D9.A durian jack rambutanA Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo Blender $39.95 Trips:A Paid:5 Trips: Paid@ Trips: Paid:7 Trips: Paid:l Santa Fe, Mexico : (231) 587-6115 Trips: East Timur, Nigeria @ Paid: What is a : Paul Syca Address: 7231 Walt Road Zip: 96754 Ch Pffeffer Address: 17 Neville Road Zip: 96754 : Carmela Danton Address: 672 Cain Street City: Virginia B Zip: 96754 Author: Ernie Heminghead zZen of Fly Fishing Publisher: Bob & Jane, Chicago S: 1979 : Aaron Yittle Address: 77 Redpin Road State: VA Zip: 96754 Sporting Baseb $5.78 . . .A Dept: Item: Price: NUMBER 555-4577 555-5649 555-7723 555-4538 555-4655 555-1123 555-6879 555-6676 555-1322 555-1221 555-4584 555-0070 555-6673 NAME Police Doctor School Richie Mr. Eastman Ms. Chayre zRitters y & Jake Tommy . . . a of customer . . .A . . . a of customer . . .B Author: Eddy Poe : Dark Birds of North America Publisher: Joe Bob, SalemA S: 1986^ Author: Greg Freedfrog : Ode to Doris Publisher: Earth Ws, BostonA S: 1985d Author: Jane Gregwald : Our Friend pLlama Publisher: Glen Glenn, LA S: 1989 Author: Robert Lumlud : Godzilla Meets Babe Publisher: Flash & Comp., Good Thunder, Minn S: 1982 Author: Charlotte Bronteberger : Lichens of pScottish Moors Publisher: Bob & Bob, S: 1980 . . . a teleph . . .+ . . . or bibliographyA a book.5 And presto! jto be INVENTORYA White T-Shirt $6.95 fed.A Sporting Fly Rod B $112.89 Garden $11.95 Garden Faucets $20.00 Sporting Fly Rod A $112.89 Blender $39.95 Garden $11.95 His a storing . . . a teleph . . ._ : Patti Quest Address: 57 Yalta Road State: VA Postal Code: 96754 Garden Faucets $20.00 Bread $24.50 Sporting Baseb $5.78 White T-Shirt $6.95 What is a : Joe Pffeffer Address: 23 Hieghe Road Zip: 96754 What a About |A 6 Bread $24.50 << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right Ddemo Trips:A Paid:5 Trips: Paid@ Trips: Paid:7 Trips: Paid:l Santa Fe, Mexico : (231) 587-6115 Trips: East Timur, Nigeria @ Paid: It's faster a card . . .. . . . powerful book . . . Hu-Jo Brian Hunger 643 14th St. Abbotsville B.C.A Canada9 Tom Andersen 14 Leitesplane AmsterdamA Ne Ma-Mo= Booby Mitchell 643 14th St. Abbotsville Ont.A Canada Volume 1 . . . efficient filing cabinet.= of advantages methods of storing So-Ta t << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> . . .@ come to attention still <> Adventure SDue>>.a 2/26/91 2/26/91 . . . locate instantly . . .A Beamon Genorio Grimm Parker Jackson Munson Klang Davis Fishen . . . update Z. . . A 3,320# . . . >thing u. . .A Beamon Costeau Davis Fishen Genorio Grimm Jackson Klang Munson Parker Beamon Costeau Davis Fishen Genorio Grimm Jackson Klang Munson Parker Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 . . . alphabetize . . .A Balance 1,950 3,320 8,750 1,000 5,750 8,250 1,700 1,700 2,450 9,750 Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson . . . prioritize . . .A Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson to sh Beamon Genorio Grimm Parker Jackson Munson Klang Davis Fishen Balance 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 8,750 1,000 8,250 9,750 5,750 Cousteau 3,320 9/26/90z Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson 2/23/91 9/26/90 Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 ymerge [gotten a range of features, including:@ Customized Statistical Sorting Mailing labels Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 DearB Davis , f SDue 9/26/90 2/26/91 SDue 9/26/90 2/26/91 Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 come to attention still 9,750 Adventure 9/23/90 . . . . . adapt data toA 9/26/90 2/26/91 Balance 1,950 3,320 8,750 1,000 5,750 8,250 1,700 1,700 2,450 9,750 Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 9/26/90 2/26/91 Balance 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 8,750 1,000 8,250 9,750 5,750 9/26/90 9/26/90 3,320 Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson SDue 9/26/90 2/26/91 Balance 9,750 8,750 8,250 5,750 3,320 2,450 1,950 1,700 1,700 1,000 Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson come to attention still 8,750 Adventure 9/23/90 . DearB Salieri , Davis Costeau Munson Beamon Genorio Parker Klang Fishen Grimm Jackson Until ward us sum, we unable to send ing pass. Sincerely,A Jordan Potts DearB Costeauw Beamon Genorio Grimm Parker Jackson Munson Klang Davis Fishen Adventure Underwater Safari T Outst ing Balances Adventure Underwater Safari T SEATING ASSIGNMENTSD << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Trips:A Paid:5 Trips: Paid@ Trips: Paid:7 Trips: Paid:l Santa Fe, Mexico : (231) 587-6115 Trips: East Timur, Nigeria @ Paid: Customer Marcus Lisa Lowery Philip Tucker Nick Edmond Melanie Finn Ross Slim Customer Marcus Lisa Lowery Mary Philips Jake Tinker Val Childs Richard Foo Nick Edmonds Lori Raines Telly Rose Robert Slats Melanie Finn Ross Slim Doug Cross Julie Baker Cruise Alaskan Caribbean Alaskan Hawaiian Caribbean European European World Alaskan World European Caribbean World World Swimmer Adventure Customer Mary Philips Val Childs Richard Foo Lori Raines Telly Rose Robert Slats Doug Cross Julie Baker Swimmer Cruise Alaskan Caribbean Europe World Alaskan World World World@ . . . y't.P Cruise Alaskan Caribbean Hawaiian European European Caribbean Pacer Malibu Stingray Tempo Spider E SeriesA Starlet Model Model Part StockG it's to re Aing by stock quantity to send STOCK OF PARTS= StockK ka customer a quick model i's available.@ CARS WE STOCK FOR7 Corvette Jaguar@ Toyota% Sorting yswim . . . 3s an auto supply store keep of car vly in stock.@ Talbot Porsche Renault Lancia Sunbeam Sunbeam Jaguar Toyota MustangB Model Tempo Malibu Spider Speedster Le Car Tiger Alpine E Series Pacer Starlet Convert. Shock Shock Shock Strut Shock Radio Muffler Muffler Muffler Starter Headlamp Grill Camshaft Piston Gas Tank Mirror FenderB Stock 69-74 73-81 72-84 59-64 56-58 63-68 61-71 62-69 56-61 79-84 81-85 64-68 62-66 63-75 71-83 74-89 78-84 65-69 Swimmer Mirror Radio Gas tank Strut Grill Headlamp Camshaft Fender Starter Muffler@ Shock8 Adventure keeps cruise passengers.@ << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> of favorite quiz questions. Vine Maple White k Pine Glacial Lily Poison Oak Wild Rye Kinnikinnick Black Morel Shooting Star Rein Orchid Salal Douglas Fir Death Angel ysuckle Oso BerryA Fringe Cups w flower grass shrub fungus flower flower shrub fungus shrubA flower5 Here's quiz questions. reorganize test wmade by pquestions pertain to trees . . . @ . . . wmade@ at r 1. Which tree is pworld's oldest living thing? 2. How t do redwoods g 3. What is tree in North America? 4. Comp contrast s of spruce 5. If Descartes had larch, Europe be same today?A TREES 101 -- FINALA 1. How Hpetals do roses 2. Why is 3. Does it hurt plants to 4. Is weeding murder? 5. Is pollination fun? 6. Why do plants dis mechanical devices?A BOTANY POP QUIZA Question What p. . . How does p. . . ppetals. . . List . . . Discuss p. . . Why does p. . . Ifive . . . What color is. . . Discuss five. . . chemical. . . What do p. . . Hdiff. . . List s. . . What do p. . . How do p. . .A To prep a quiz, Zs questions 8TH GRADE BOTANY Name: Oso Berry : shrub@ Question: What do p. . .! Please A THE WORKSS watched sampled versatility. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo Item: Infla Color: Orange Cost: $23.75 reate a 4is to Some of pquestions to answer Quantity Cost ItemA Color A 1. Item: 3. Color: A 5. Cost: to organize Item: Color: Cost:p Item: Goldfish Glass Color: Magenta Cost: $8.76 Item: Color: Cost:' 0to do is categories Z. . .A . . . category.A Please [planned to organize . Each CREATING A A FORM, Item: Color: Cost: Item: Steamboat Color: Cost: $2.35 Plan a How do What pdetails to keep << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right DcreatL zcategories of Item: Color: Cost: zcategories of Each is made up of:A Item: W Item: Lawn Chair Color: Green Cost: A $15.99 # ing out Lawn Chair Canvas White $20.19 {of a Item: Kiddie Pool Color: W hite Cost: A $20.19 V Item: Badm Rn Set : Outdoor Color: W hite Cost: A $20.19 Z Item: Sun Umbrella anvas Color: W hite Cost: A $20.19 \ give to categories of ybe up to 15 long. C F I N I S H PLACE OFFICIAL TIME 1:45:74 White .selected as official keeper year's International Snail Races. Kd to snail'sA statistics in a Lawn Chair Canvas White $20.19 << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right DcreatS Great! proposed Cing , we'll finish it yreorganize Please proposes a of 20 a height of 1 accept pproposed Begin psnail's Ga mistake, ment.A Employee: Rate: Total:@ Status:; Employee: SSN: Rate: Total:@ Status: Employee: SSN:@ Status: Rate:@ Total:6 zcolon at pend designates as a THE FORM- reate a enter e, followed by a colon.A , or accept proposed !Repeat 4 to vs to . It is First, let's take a A of Below hereA as Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN Name: name: Trainer: Average Speed: Number: Distance:D Time: 1 Drag Slocation Field. @ $eld Please After TEST RESULTS Subject: Combined scores:= score: of tests: Tal Moskowitz Numbers Physics 490 Text 98 NumbersT result comes divides combined scores by of tests.B Physics 5ulas C ING TEXTA AND NUMBERS Text Combined scores/ # of tests Speed to be at pend of Watch pDistance Tal MoskowitzD Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Please Active $eld snail. does Bas it does ztrainer's available yet, but Flash's is 13. 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Distance/ speed, ed in except Speed. to calculate average speed of snail. Speed field. that Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN =Distance/time =distance/time Pierre Fabre lsnail. is on in a item: cost: C pointer to a move down to a =cost*quantity O cost: quantity: value: 42.72 result is in A you're formula. Good. lsnail's item: cost: 0.89! Please Position location. date want by a colon. It is field Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo cheese.wdbS With Area: Office ext: Start Sequoia Ridge Thom O'Dell x5603 7:30 A 5:00. Thom O'Dell x5603 7:30 B MARIPOSA INC. Carpool MARIPOSA INC. Carpool Aaron Long x5623 Add a to a Aaron Long x5623 8:30B Aaron Long x5623 8:30B 5:30- Kris Hart x5761 6:00@ Please Thom O'Dell x5603 Kris Hart x5761 6:00@ Becky Jenks x5431 6:00@ Sequoia Ridge Thom O'Dell x5603 7:30 B Add ion to a 9of a Revise Zin a << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I CHEESE.WDB Right DeditL After Item: Color: Cost: cost B Add a form pChilcoot Cheese Deli. Chilcoot Cheese Deli s to ja colon). A Please Deli Cheese+ otice (is a Adding Order F A R M F R E S H MOVING BETWEENA RECORDS" ADDING TITLESA TO YOUR FORM C H I L C O O T ( Chilcoot Cheese DeliA descriptive s to zChilcoot Cheese Deli Hto keep of cheese deliveries vendors. puts a (is a << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN chilcoot cheese deli Chilcoot Cheese DeliD Right DeditS Once ame: Fred Videon h: Half Weight (kg): 70 Age: 26A bsequenti y . . .Q ame: Sam Conif h: Goalkeeper Weight (kg): 85 Age: 26A ame: Eric Simpkins h: Wing Weight (kg): 75 Age: 26A ame: Tim Livingston h: Full Weight (kg): 80 Age: 27A A2074] ame: Doug Mehaffey h: Full Height (m): 2.1 Weight (kg): 90 Age: 26A ame: Thomas Veatch Weight (kg): 90 Age: 29A Don't @ pEnd , or g+END , or or end of a g+END Several Practice [ing.f Several Practice Great. 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AN ENTRYj xpicked up pwhole , To widen Cheese lower {corner of it toA Instructor: Session: Address:A provided is large enough to Git bigger.A plength . . .A height.A Each provides an qlarge enough, yincrease FIELD SIZE6 pportion of zCheese isn't large enough pcheese Increase `room. le at pend of pCheese Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Done: PGDN << PGUP Cheese type Observation Location: Ice Cream GulchA Time of Day: 11:00A Species: Black Bear@ !Behavior: C ing ground squirrelsA ppounds received Typing 6-23-91 6-23- Revising Behavior: Sleeping on a snowbank Please 6-23- is a bof a delivery pdeli. m''PParmesan'' Parmesan Revise A , revise pvendor. twice. Press >thing Species: Black Bear @ Species: Grizzly Bear @ twice toA Species: Grizzly Bear @ 6-23- 6-23- Behavior: ing ground squirrels Behavior: ing ground squirrels ParmesanA Please << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Parmesan parmesan Cheese type b. . . Observation Species: Location: A Time of Day: A Behavior: Grizzly Bear@ Ice Cream Gulch@ 6-28-91 11:00@ Ice Cream GulchB 6-28-91 Black BearB 11:00B . . . Jumping Joe Creek 6-26-92 bis no longer in Grizzly BearB Jumping Joe Creek 15:00B Eating Huckleberries Please INSERTING AND DELETINGA RECORDS Great. shipment wn't ed by Willy, but sure who field, Ordered By. Clear -Ordered By, Ordered By, }ing << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Insert that Delete bis no longer in Limburger cheese wdropped pinventory. of a 1 Adding s to a . It is Remember, puts a as a 4 Revising Zin a To revise Zin a want Type Type Revise Delete records " Revising in a want Field Size. or height. Please Adding s to a , or h le, at the end of Moving scroll , or horizontal , or previous scroll , or pEnd scroll , or g+END cheese in ?no longer sold at deli. cheese in ?no longer sold at deli. We'll Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo toys_l.wdbS Zin a the bat a SPRING INVENTORYA Food: as a at a List - Will Sturgeon Jane Struedel m . . .A Food Quantity Yr. Grad 1 Kay 2 Ruth Stump 1954 3 Kevin Stump 4 Scott Tamaoka . . . become pheadings bin a . . .A . . . in a in a Chips ALUMNI DIRECTORYQ Ruth Stump Grad: Chips ALUMNI DIRECTORY4 Gs it easier to relationships Kevin Stump : Ruth Stump Yr. Grad: 1954 RSVP: No@ Will Sturgeon . . . list palumni.A Alumni Yr. Grad RSVPA Ruth Stump Charles Finch Scott Tomaoka Yr. Grad 1 Kay 2 Ruth Stump 1954 3 Kevin Stump 4 Scott Tamaoka Quantity Food: Chips Bottle palumni . . .A Kathryn Please Charles Finch Kathryn Will Sturgeon Charles Finch << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I TOYS_L.WDB Right DListL SHOP& Viewing as a as a as a Here is ZList.! Please Here, as a \, in Zis organized . . . along pedge of Hank's Novelty Toy Store =carries unusual toys both children adults. to bring Hank's of toys up @ to date. $List located across ptop . . . DlistS Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Right Please Here, as a . . . along pedge of y One Great. Now y In [by making wider. Great. x're in Uto A y One again to 5Button List Buttont ywiden a [to better long does qaffect s in WIDTH OFA A FIELD Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Point Wheading of a of a equal to side, {to widenA Wor to Qto n Great! Now pToy to read. up to 79 lwide. Now we'll widen prest of are. widen a Groom isn't wide enough (in an longer ######### Please hbe easier to read if widen right of pToy When s on each end, visible in a Size." hbe easier to read if widen to 19. choose pToy heading _to go on. you're jto go on.` W, but Vstill too Drag is visible.$ click Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Done: PGDN go directly to a pFind Query 9.''A around in around in as a ds up through a :at a to g+END to pend of or end of Practice around :at a were. now, Good. Now prest of g+END pend of daround Often, a Eis too large MOVING AROUNDA IN A LIST Please pEND s to rest of ''Working '' in Computers Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP ( N q 3&|K6L into Species Caribou 7/1/87 11:52 Moose 13:45 Wolverine 7/1/87 12:00 Caribou 7/1/87 04:25 Porcupine 7/1/87 04:24 Grizzly 13:45 10:45 05:05 Moose 11:05 10. Caribou 7/1/87 09:15 11. Porcupine 7/1/87 07:54 12. Marmot 07:54 13. Wolf 12:05 12. Porcupine 7/1/87 07:54 13. Marmot 07:54 14. Wolf 12:05 Caribou ' Delete a 09:45 things ydo in Please INSERTING AND DELETING RECORDS ORA FIELDS 09:45 Wolverine Moose Caribou Porcupine Grizzly Moose 10. Caribou A 11. 12. Porcupine 13. Marmot @ 14. Wolf! Great! Groom Likewise, dup in item $Flying Fun Toys. Make room Insert 11:52 13:45 12:00 04:25 04:24 13:45 10:45 05:05 11:05 09:15 09:45 07:54 07:54@ 12:05 << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN $List Field ywiden widen a {to accommodateB screen. screen. beginning of g+END pOrdered By of people who A 1 Great. 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Galaxy Toys up to adjacent INTL:select to (as usual)A {5/8# Toy Barn no longer carries Galaxy Toys. Record. Delete Toy Barn no longer carries Galaxy Toys. 1 Use Delete 10, CHANGING RECORD ANDA FIELD ENTRIESD Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN lear To clear an From psuppliers First clear supplier Clear 8ing 8Down or MOVING A RECORD ORA FIELD* Highlight _to clear.. ry or tis a pEntries It lets adjacent AddressesA Alix Magoo Fred Cripp Harry Fripp Celia Long Marcia Rowe A Street 12 Maple 203 Pine 223 Pine 301 Fir@ 436 Ash+ Wacko Wacko Wacko@ Wacko/ State Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas@ 73055 73056 73056 73055 73055@ _to clear at once . . .A WacoA Waco/ Wacko Wacko WackoA Wacko3 Wacko Wacko WackoB Wacko' adjacent records or in a >thing else.! Please psupplier >thing else. psupplier 5 should be GraphInc. Supplier 2 Extend include Fill Down. 8Down. Wacko Wacko WackoA Wacko b1 in Supplier psupplier 5 in pSupplier Supplier pSupplier Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN From Highlight From ZCut. Move Please alphabetic y or numeric pstudent Aed alphabetic In ascending (A-Z)B Grade numeric y by test score:A In descending (Z-A)B Leflow, Kim en,Scott Score alphabetic or numeric Aing Test Scores Latin 101A Leflow, Kim en, Scott6 Score Grade aky, Lena ombay, Grace eflow, Kim treutzel, Jane udman, Greg onkers, Burt llen, Scott" pStock pStock pWholesale pWholesale saste. A Score llen, Scott ombay, Grace udman, Greg eflow, Kim aky, Lena treutzel, Jane onkers, BurtA Grade onkers, Burt treutzel, Jane aky, Lena eflow, Kim udman, Greg ombay, Grace llen,Scott Score dd a ire Stock Wholesale zStock it to Wholesale SORTINGA A DA |ASED Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN << PGUP Sorting a A To From Choose Choose Ascend or Descend. Sort date in descending Descend.A Filling Highlighting Please To clear want to clear. Clear Sorting a 5 Sorting a Records. b or Type Clearing field pDescend B Descend B." pDescend B alphabetic y or numeric Grade Score numeric y by test score:A In ascending (0,1,2,3...)B In descending (...3,2,1,0)B Test Scores Latin 101A Leflow, Kim en,Scott Score en,Scott Leflow, Kim Grade Leflow, Kim en,Scott Grade Score Sort date in descending choose 2 In p1st OrderedA OrderedA Filling 8ing a range of ry or 2 Extend want to 8DownB Well d ! Now Aed in descending date were /ing field Record or Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Ordered ordered << PGUP Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo books.wdbS Often 3195 7335 1245 3425 3925 3325 2234 4432 4879 3729 8532 9832 5195 4930 8232 5049A lipstick eye shadow toothpaste mouth bubble bath facial soap bath soap styling gel wrinkle cream bathing cap soap-on-ropeB 4.50 6.90 2.42 2.42 2.42 1.09 1.65 2.34 2.19 6.50 3.64 2.68 3.69 5.20 5.20A Price $2.50 $4.50 $6.90 $2.42 $2.42 $2.42 $1.09 $1.65 $2.34 $2.19 $6.50 $3.64 $2.68 $3.69 $5.20 $5.20 B lipstick eye shadow hard toothpaste mouth bubble bath facial soap bath soap styling gel wrinkle cream bathing cap disposable razor scented bath oil soap-on-ropeA $2.50 $4.50 $6.90 $2.42 $2.42 $2.42 $1.09 $1.65 $2.34 $2.19 $6.50 $3.64 $2.68 $3.69 $5.20 $5.20 B Use a Empha $2.50 $4.50 $6.90 $2.42 $2.42 $2.42 $1.09 $1.65 $2.34 $2.19 $6.50 $3.64 $2.68 $3.69 $5.20 $5.20A lipstick eye shadow hard toothpaste mouth bubble bath facial soap bath soap styling gel wrinkle cream bathing cap disposable razor scented bath oil soap-on-rope B 2.50 4.50 6.90 2.42 2.42 2.42 1.09 1.65 2.34 2.19 6.50 3.64 2.68 3.69 5.20 5.20 Price Price Price: FIELDA ALIGNMENT Please lipstick eye shadow toothpaste mouth bubble bath facial soap bath soap styling gel wrinkle cream bathing cap soap-on-rope Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP books.wdb Right DformL Cry Baby!B zMissing PostmasterB BULLSA EYE zErrant NightB WHITE ROSES RED THORNS {side of general ALIGNMENT NUMBERS FalconA in a menu . . . . . . or eneral ue/False F@ ont. . . S@ tyle. . . idthB SB tyle. . . eneral Alignment elect Forma Font: Alignment:H hange of a vice versa.@ A DATA1.WDB W I N D O W A LIGHT IN THE {, or zBull's-Eye Bookshop collection of r detective novels. eading Zeros. . . S. . . ntial. . . ercent. . . rrency. . . ed. . . C@ omma. . . << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right DformS$ of a Highlight From menu, Choose Please Choose revised KJ 5/10A d wsc s2 FORMATTINGA NUMBERS1 eneral ed... u@ rrency... P@ ercent... ntial... ont... tyle... omma... idth... in a variety of T@ ime/ ue/Falsea elect Font: A DATA1.WDB above on even faster. it out in eading Zeros... Pages choose Pages Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN << PGUP 1:36:55 PM TRUE Please Fixed rounded to Fixed Percent A 1248.5673 Fixed Examples4 as a m tary figure.A 1248.57 A 1248.5673 unless 1248.57 commas 124856.73%E Percent multiplies percent Percent: in scientific qation.A 1.25E+03 124856.73% 1.25E+03 Time\ TRUE 08155 Zip Code< zero as FALSE as TRUE.A 98155O of month, day, year; or From menu, Type fed).% pRetail apply or date s in pCost Cost Currency. Choose Highlight postal codes or ]zero. 08155 Retail Retail << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Choose CHARACTERA STYLES Highlight Highlight Changing revised KJ 5/10A d wsc s2' Comment From menu, Choose Please Comment Comment Bold Comment to the Comment choose Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Highlight alignment zfinal wtask is to pbook ddirectly to Add underlining to given Changing Formatting Highlight style Changing Formatting Changing Highlight From menu, Type places fed). Choose Highlight From menu, Style. Choose Choose Changing Please HOME Highlight From menu, Style. Choose Choose Menu:M Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo bbath.wdbS ZIP: ing, . . . or matchA Address: City: Waco State: Texas ZIP: 73056A AddressesA 73056 Fred Cripp 203 Pine Texas 73056 Larry Tripp 223 Pine Waco Texas 73056 Carrie Lipp 455 Pine Texas 73055 Marcia Rowe 436 Ash Texas 73055A @ Ted Gripp 73056< Address: City: Waco State: Texas ZIP: 73055A Texas 2443A 7700 Oak St. 203 PineA Fred CrippA ygo to . . .A 223 PineA Larry TrippA sequenti y in [. . .A . . . or at once in 73056 455 PineA Carrie Lipp@ Street State ZIP A Texas Texas CITY: Find . . . NAME: STARTS A WITH C4 yask > Instructions:CTRL+I BBATH.WDB Right DqueryL .hired by pBirdbath Re Searching From ZFind.A hlocate hide Go ahead match Choose :d even if of a !longer c, a Press locates of ''Kingfisher'' See if sightings of pKingfisher. ''Kingfisher.''M again take of ''Kingfisher.'' A client asked VKingfisher. Use pFind sightings. choose Find. 2 In pFind What type B Kingfisher Type to locate.@ BIRDBATHA RESEARCH! Please pFind hold zFind.A KingfisherA Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Kingfisher kingfisherD Right DqueryS bat a TEST SCORES& Score: Grade: Pompano, Andrew Welch, Susan Struetzel, Jane Caruso, Felipo Warden, Frank@ Zing, Stella4 Score Grade Displaying A hiding match at once, . . . them temporarily hidden.A Score Grade, visible again at or hide From ZFind. Type Choose Choose ycomp hiding Marre, Linda Makepeace, Patrick Chiu, Alice Ross, Samuel Deniz Alex Paulley, Willis Van Trapp, Janielle Freiberg, Joshua Stockbridge, Betty@ c, if pstudents who score percent on ptest . . .A Please DISPLAYING AND HIDINGA RECORDS: Grade Score Pompano, Andrew Welch, Susan Struetzel, Jane Caruso, Felipo Warden, Frank@ Zing, Stella Maky,Lena Struetzel,Jane Good. Here is a birds keeps plower- {corner of pA status Search diving birds. choose Find. 2 In pFind What type diving List. pFind hold zFind.A divingA << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN diving yHiding large ystill mention diving birds. hHidden Here are. hides diving birds is in X''diving'' visible ing hidden ing certain ing hidden hidden by a From hHidden Previously hidden vly visibleB records hidden.g is in From choose X''diving.''A Finding Finding From Find. pFind What type Choose Press F7 to occurrence of even if of a longer c, a bat a [multiple 42 revised Entire ''To hide KJ 5/14 Please hHidden click hHidden hHidden ing certain From Find. pFind What type Choose Choose To hide Highlight to temporarily hide. From Hide Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo coins.wdbS ylocate Employees ed Ted . . .! Please More Entries in a portion of varies Entries meet << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I coins.wdb Right DmquerL ylocate Employees ed Ted . . ., ylocate Employee2 Ted J Ted Struedel Ted Taylor@ Ted Vickers << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> locate pemployees in Fcomp who . . .A . . . cars. Employee2 Ted J Ted Struedel Ted Taylor@ Ted Vickers Ted J Ted Struedel@ ed Ted . . . << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> locate match a range of pemployees ]. . .A . . . with ''A'' . . . Employee << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> locate match a range of pemployees ]. . .A . . . with ''A'' . . .3 . . . pcomp years or less. . . . ,000 . . . Employee/ Anne Wilson Andy O'Conner Andrea Schmidt@ Anne Wilson Years Anne Wilson Andy O'Conner Andrea Schmidt Arnold Black@ Archie Clarke << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> pieces of 0to do is tell hiding Pompano, Andrew Welch, Susan Struetzel, Jane Caruso, Felipo Warden, FrankA Zing, Stella8 Score Grade TEST SCORES@ LATIN 1012 Period Period Score Period Grade, Welch, Susan Struetzel, JaneA Score Grade Find! Please ''Finding'' arching KJ 5/15& FINDING SEVERALA COMMON ENTRIESD Score Period << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> 1955 Finding Query to 5or List to apply Great. zre is Egyptian piasters. Start by ping Egyptian piasters. choose Query. 2 In pCoun Egypt 3 In Piaster List to apply return to Query Please pQuery hold pQuery clickA tQuery.* {of Coun PiasterA EqyptA Ned Edmund, proprietor of Edmund's Numismatic keeps of his inventory in a s to Ned's inventory of@ eign coins. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Egypt egypt piaster PiasterD Right DmquerS @. To symbol. symbol, symbol (*) is a c. . . . . . if narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail ravenA narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail raven porpo* narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail ravenA porpo* por* porpo* rewrittenA KJ 5/15 WILDCARD A SYMBOL narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail ravenA Please narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail ravenA narwhal nightingale octopus ostrich oyster a bear parakeet penguin pigeon platypus polar bear porcupine porpoise python quail ravenA << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> symbol:@ _to match exactly an asterisk (*) to st Query Use a pcentesimos centavos in stock. Name cent* 5 Apply silver dollars in F, VF, or XF }ion. field.A 4 Apply 0queried Querying Query. ZList or to apply Please pQuery hold pQuery clickA tQuery. }ion {of Con }ion. }ion A Logical atical symbols ranges 0dates, LOGICALA OPERATORS# rewrittenA KJ 5/15 symbol. Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN cent* ranges of Zin a Operator DefinitionA :. . . Less Less Greater Less Greater Greater <>"Fred" to Greater . . . to 'Fred Ss prior to Jan.1, 1990? must Greater <'1/1/90' Less . . . to 'Fred <'1/1/90' Less dates or must en >'11:00' Greater Numbers less including Ss prior to Jan.1, 1990" Less equal to Times A.M.& Numbers less including Numbers greater including 50 Times Please statement records Query @!5 hto List or [to apply statement, must en dates hto Query pQuery hold pQuery clickA tQuery.& Query Query.$ Query Less Less equal to >'11:00' Greater <1830A Locate pcoins in Ned's inventory minted 31830. choose Query. Delete Query to clear field of <1830 List to apply return to <>"Fred" to D Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN <1830 Operator Definition >1 & < Using Numbers . . . to | 200 :. . . Operator Definition Numbers or 200 Numbers | is pipe puppercaseA p\ on Locate pcoins in Ned's inventory minted , but qincluding, 1850 1900. 1 Define 2 Apply coins minted 1850 1900. Finding several Using symbol: From Query. Move Type match exactly an asterisk (*) to st Press Switch to apply a question as a symbol. It ''wild'' pasterisk follow it ''wild.'' >1 & < `clearly define prange Using From Query. Move Type statement will Press Switch to apply Please pQuery hold pQuery clickA tQuery. operator to pcoins minted 31830. >1850&<1900A 1 Finding common From Query. Move Press From Form or List.B Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN << PGUP Menu:M >1850&<1900 >1850 & <1900 Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo lillooet.wdbS xprobably Zas a Zat a glance. A World T Paris 8/8/90 $23,900 Paris 8/19/90 $13,000 Paris 8/27/90 $14,890 Montpellier 9/7/90 $23,000 Montpellier 9/11/90 $21,670 Montpellier 9/13/90 $13,490 Montpellier 9/28/90 $24,000 9/30/90 $12,400 Total: $146,350@ World T Paris 8/8/90 $23,900 Paris 8/17/90 $13,000 Paris 8/27/90 $14,890 Total: $51,790 Montpellier 9/7/90 $23,000 Montpellier 9/11/90 $21,670 Montpellier 9/13/90 $13,490 Montpellier 9/28/90 $24,000 Total: $82,160 Basel 11/27/90 $13,560 Basel 10/31/90 $12,500 Basel 11/30/90 $13,670A Total: $39,730? cities to visit examine detail or > Instructions:CTRL+I Right DReporL ???}B gives in designing of a PARTS OF AA REPORT Please 1 Add Seen Good job! Here Add a Seen Seen SUM statistic. Dr. Binnett ua simple a lecture. Make a 2 In type: Mammals: Summer Dr. Binnett ua simple a lecture. Make a Create statistics @$5 Repeat 3 & 4 pAdd reate a 2 In type Jcluded in Now tell pAdd click pAdd pAdd tAdd. # Seen is pSUM pSUM Dr. Binnett, world famous mammalogist, keeps a mammal re on Lillooet Lake. hired Mammals: Summer Z# Seen, t# Seen in World T Paris 8/8/90 $23,900 Paris 8/19/90 $13,000 Paris 8/27/90 $14,890 Montpellier 9/7/90 $23,000 Montpellier 9/11/90 $21,670 Montpellier 9/13/90 $13,490 Montpellier 9/28/90 $24,000 9/30/90 $12,400 Total: $146,350@ As soon as asks Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Mammals: Summer 1991 mammals: summer 1991 # seenD R ,_ 1 0b Right DreporS F ( o Statistics =Sum(Attend)% After _to per Gs it INTL: {5/22 Count+ ''blue |'' in Attendance City =City A TOTAL Minimum Maximum ard Deviation Variance Attendance from xasA Wlabels. =Attend =Attend =Sum(Attend) =Sum( =Sum( Please CHANGINGA YOUR REPORT6 Headings +in A Some repeated in is no Zin a o, it Kto A directly _it to Take a oreserves a is in jd in here it is! s in top of in a vin a do in an out or ''blue |'' of easily having toA H. Here x. Each oidentifies @ =Sum ( RStatistic choose Reserves a detected tings qmatch settings. still continue Dquite pContinue pContinue tA Continue.) pContinue eas a Wlabel. Title Record Headings Summary Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me: PGDN n ( n j Dr. Binnett _s to sittings. Add row in Insert Location.A Now tell Location.A Nice Good job. Dr. Binnett Now, go ahead Record o5, A first Headings ZLocati tLocation in Location is second second pCount Dr. Binnett _s to sittings. Add 4 In pStatistic COUNT. first Headings Please Great. pLocation pCount tCount.h Dr. Binnett pLocation $rst Headings Insert Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN locationD Each to eight ygive naming To re Giving a unique 3 In type Since Xs, give e''Project Totals.'' Name 2 In Project Totals gives Contributions Fiddler's T 2 In want to re ybe upA to 15 llong. Please GIVING YOUR REPORT A A UNIQUE NAME In a yorganize s of Zto s patterns in Fdata. Aing ing related GROUPING RELATEDA INFORMATION+ hold Xis now in menu under Giving Ea unique identify Ding Project TotalsA xmight _to re Xs so ytell Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN << PGUP Project Totals project totalsD Eby separating World T Paris 8-8-90 $23,900 Paris 8-17-90 $13,000 Paris 8-27-90 $14,890 Total: $51,790 Montpellier 9-7-90 $23,000 Montpellier 9-11-90 $21,670 Montpellier 9-13-90 $13,490 Montpellier 9-28-90 $24,000 Total: $82,160 Basel 11-27-90 $13,560 Basel 10-31-90 $12,500 Basel 11-30-90 $13,670A Total: $39,730 World T Paris 8-8-90 $23,900 Paris 8-17-90 $13,000 Paris 8-27-90 $14,890 Montpellier 9-7-90 $23,000 Montpellier 9-11-90 $21,670 Montpellier 9-13-90 $13,490 Montpellier 9-28-90 $24,000 Basel 11-27-90 $13,560 Basel 10-31-90 $12,500 Basel 11-30-90 $13,670A Total: $173,680 s of )d by a alphabetic y or numeric in ei pr ascending descending (A-Z vs. Z-A 9-0).A Month MarA $7065.55 $8344.25 $7988.00 $9877.45 $10630.10 $11275.25 $8385.45 $8900.00 $9735.90 $8356.30A Month AprA $7065.55 $8344.25 $7988.00 $9877.45 $10630.10 $11275.25 $8385.45 $8900.00 $9735.90 $8356.30 $7865.00 $12,890.00A counts s up pvalues of $23397.80 $40088.25 $8900.00 B $18092.20X Adams Adams Adams Adams Barkley BarkleyB reate a large $23397.80 $40088.25 $8900.00 B $18092.20' Adams Adams Adams Adams Barkley BarkleyB bercrombie bercrombie bercrombie arkley arkley jorklund hmelniakA add a pr Ascend or Descend.# Break to Works to Aing.B 6 Repeat 5 if second or third related Grouping relatedA related according to Please Aed alphabetic in descending City Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP the results of Create 2 In type ptop of 4 pAdd 5 Repeat 3 & 4 7 statistics 5 Sorting in a large Aing separating 1 Sort 4 Break to group according to letter in 6 Repeat 5 if specify a 6or third mammal.5 alphabetized mammal's of a gives design Adds ptop of Headings -- Adds A----- Reserves a records here printed.) ~-- Does "to summarize Some repeated in is no o, it Changing an report Naming a Sorting in a of a Please Dr. Binnett Xalphabetic y by Sort Break G.A pBreak G pBreak G pBreak G detected tings qmatch settings. still continue Dquite pContinue pContinue tA Continue.) pContinue 4 Naming a gives it a give xto better describe . Each ybe up to 15 llong. To re Reports. 2 In _to re 3 In type 4 B on report +, or want to appropriate Insert ----- %as a Wlabel. Insert Reserves a Insert Statistic want. Menu:M Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo patrons.wdbS INTL: omitted on purpose.A {5/9% Ordered By: The Good Egg 2/5/91 Amount: 12 doz. Total: $21.00 ycustomize 2/5/91 Amount: 12 doz. : Big Total: $21.00D length, printed Amount: 12 doz. : Big Total: $21.00 8.5'' 11'' Ordered By: zDumb Cluck 2/3/91 Amount: 12 doz. Total: $42.00 A Bottom 2/5/91 -- February 3ave to go @ LeftA return @ K, or Select Portrait Please 2/5/917 SETTING SIZE, ORIENTATION, A AND MARGINS 2 PRINTING AND PREVIEWING A YOUR DA |ASE# . In Set J'' @ 2 Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP patrons.wdb Right DprintL announce it keep sponsers. 8.5''@ Legal is 14 long by 8.5 wide.C Portrait scape scape6 scape is across Ois portra Ord. By Greenbalm Shovel Smith Gloves Pickering Basket Halverson Minder of a plength Ord. By Amt. Greenbalm 2/5/91 2/16/91 Shovel Smith 2/17/91 Gloves Pickering 2/20/91 Basket Halverson 3/4/91B Minder 3/15/91 announce it keep sponsors. 2 In ses, margins St long by 8.5 inches wide . scape portrait 0opposite lengths << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right DprintS $, or both to proposes tings. INTL: omitted on purpose.A {5/97 ptop of A-5 In pOrientation ZPortrait or L scape.h ptop of ptop to 3 Page 2 In pTop type ADDING HEADERSA AND FOOTERS! Please !2 In length ses, ex !2 In length ses, measurements. 5 In pPaper Size Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Adding 2/5/91 Amount: 12 doz. : Big Total: $21.00 -- February Prints vdate Prints Now Good. ", unless wise. ed on > Show Me: PGDN Patrons &d patrons &d new brixton film festival New Brixton Film FestivalD @@@??? Often \in a Jezebel Gibbons El Dorado Petersen Oldenburg Berring inger O'Casey Janessen Yodel Toledo Tennyson Walkerman Gauker Johnson Boom Boom Schwarz Memphis MacTyre Cadbury Feliciano Eustace Thomas Spike Claudius Gilda Harold Hjalter Cindi Werner JacobA Terrencec determine ll go Jezebel Gibbons Feliciano Eustace El Dorado PetersonA Oldenburg$ Thomas Spike NateA Claudius Berring inger O'CaseyA Janessen) Gilda Harold SeanA Hjalter Yodel Toledo TennysonA Walkerman LordA Gauker Johnson Boom Boom Schwarz Memphis MacTyreA Cadburn5 Cindi Werner JacobA Terrence! Adding rto a ptop of a INSERTINGA BREAKS Please ?tell Add a Move to A5. From Insert Break.A Choose tA5, tA5, Field r(in qaffect << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN ] 9 p uZzuZz Daniel c\o Frances George 444 W134th Ave. Chicago, IllinoisA 98012 Student: Hans Wirstenburg Age: 3.5 nts: Francis George Emergency contact: Phyllis No: B 555-3945 gives choices c, in A of copies Remember, lhidden qaffected by d by Student: Jane Grolsch Age: 3.5 Francis George No: 555-3945 % More record per Only Student: Natalie Wirstenburg Age: 3.5 nts: Francis George No: 555-3945 r Student: Hans Wirstenburg Age: 4 nts: Greta !Emergency contact: Inger SvenssonA No: 555-3334> is pre Both Which depends on presented. depending on Student: Jane Grolsch Age: 3.5 nts: Bev William Emergency contact: Rose GrolschA No: 555-4422( PRINTING IN DIFFERENT A VIEWSV Student: Daniel Age: 3.5 nts: Frances George No: 555-3945 tings so Please Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Ly of Students No. of students age: Ly of Students , Daniel Age: 3.5 nts: Fran & George Emergency:Phyllis No. of students From Page ses, measurements of want Choose bon a , or in a List sas a E, or labels. E, or =introductory Adding footers5 Zas a Move that From Insert Break. Choose to divide records or Choose labels.! Please Setup & 2 In length boxes, ex Printer 5 In pOrientation Portrait or L scape. confirm 4 Adding From Headers & header or Choose both 9is to correctly, Setup & 2 In length boxes, Printer 5 In pPaper Size confirm labels unless unless introductory 3but pdata. D Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo whodunit.wdb climbers.wdbS zre's trouble afoot on Mount St. Helens. zcoun side ^s in terror )climber who pushed Postmaster Treebalm to his death remains at large. tunately, Park Ranger Bob Evergreen keeps a climber. xr job is to to answer pquesti ''Who A Pushed pPopular Postmaster?''+ POPULAR POSTMASTER A PUSHED TO PERIL CLUES COULD CLINCH CASE A str of blonde hair, sme d foot- an embroi- dered h kerchiefB }lead to More 50 climbed St. Helens day. ''Any climber pushing,'' commented Ranger Bob, ''but it took a full day's @ Please zbody of Treebalm, friendly Yakima postmaster, wfound pbase pMt. St. Helens lava dome. "No E L E N S A I National Park Open CLIMBERS.WDB.A Open ZCLIMBERS.WDB, CLIMBERS in ZCLIMBERS.WDB, CLIMBERS.WDB in Applying skills to a 2of tasks.A gives =skills . If ]a procedure, ZHint.@ << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Climbers.wdb climbers climbers.wdb xxxxxxxxxxxxD Right DputL Please Ranger Bob determined pculprit had to be on mountain at least 8 pscene of pcrime pamount of climber spent on pmountain. ClimbTime directly above Hair color.A Here is Ranger Bob's climbed Mount St. Helens in May, July, pday of pcrime. Search of people who climbed on July 7, Here July 7, J. Now +to Ranger Bob's #ed clues. zclues found near scene were sme d foot s of blond hair on pdead man's lapel. Hair Color Now, leaving it is, Boot Size Here is Ranger Bob's climbed Mount St. Helens in May, July, pday of pcrime. July 7, matching pQuery hold pQuery click tQuery, or pQUERY Boot Size:A Ranger Bob's climbing detective ing clues, pmodified version of as a this as a ed WHODUNIT. Ranger Bob determined pculprit had to be on mountain at least 8 pscene of pcrime pamount of climber spent on pmountain. Climb Time directly above Hair color.A Climb Time:A click hold WhodunitA July 7, Hair Color:A Choices:CTRL+F1 July 7, 1991 Boot Size: hair color: Hair Color: boot size: Climb time: climb time: PGDN >> whodunit july 7, 1991 E L E N S A I National Park #As Ranger Bob provides pcrucial psuspects, Ranger Bob zodore wears a 912.5 hiking boot. climb Climb Time , minute zodore er. Ranger Bob zodore on hair. Please 12.5A Boot Size, clickA , minute , minute. clues. Hair Color press A Hair Color {of Hair Color.4 Climb Time {of A Climb Time. Boot Size, Climb Time, , minute LU.$> Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Brown brown 12.5D DputSa1 Right Good, tto A To determine pclimb subtract to compute climb computes pclimb suspects. Ranger volunteered to rest of xno longer psuspects' car license, home town, home local ph case. Now re premaining pclues psuspects' full Return A {of Climb Time. ` Great! pclues suspects' Please 7ing pRIGHT A DownA Return of Climb Time. saste. A HOME =Return-De {of Climb Time.! Please -car license. 7ing RIGHT -local ph . D Choices:CTRL+F1 =Return-Departure =return-departureD zpolice 0given up, but sordid details lead to success have fa "Remember, pclues pculprit had #blond hair, wore shoes, mountain E L E N S A I National Park d to solve pmystery. Please Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right DputSa2 pclues to a suspect ]blond hair a shoe '7. Query match pnecessary criteria blond people ]a shoe Hsuspects matchA Please pguilty climber .disc #ed, pWHODUNIT.WDB Close. pQuery hold Success! Of suspects mountain He must be pguilty pguilty climber .disc #ed, pWHODUNIT.WDB evidence. pQUERY Hair Color {of Hair Color. Hair ColorA Close.A pBoot Size {of Boot Size. blondA Boot Size, Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> blond BlondD "blond Gaston Wolfschmidt's blazing confession exposed a dark side ppopular postman. ''That mailman bit my dog,'' cried pkiller. Tiny, Wolfschmidt's pet Doberman, ]held comment on pbizarre circumstances .MYSTERY SOLVED BY SLEUTH WHILE POLICE SIT IDLEC a sharp eye H, a local sleuth succeeded in identifying pfiend who pushed ppopular postmaster to his death. zcase had ppolice ly baffled. ''Shucks, it qhing,'' pmodest heroA LOCAL HERO REMAINS ANONYMOUSB Please E L E N S A I National Park Menu:M Right DputSa3 Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo . . . storing, calculating, updating, presenting . . .A How used About using . . . combines to give limitless.B limitless.B . . . writing, }ing, presenting . . .B Word M O N T H L Y E A R N I N G S quarterA Micro, Inc. Macro, Inc. A January February March Total: Aing Carson Camshafts Issaquah Iron Pilchuck Panh Monroe Machinists ard Bearings Ted's Metal Shop a Rims y's Ring Gears Aurora Auto Parts Ron's Refab Palace Friday Harbor Gas San Juan Screw Co. Bellevue Bolt, Inc. Everett Exhausts Ollie's Otter Pops A Adam's Used Cars Street 15 Blake Isl 65 Mount Si Lane 912 Oregon Blvd. 2 Indus 43 Rainier South Suite #3, 9343 98342 4th S. 62542 Boing N. 934 Greenlake 22 Thomas Way 12 Main 932 Isl 5123445 - 7th 31 S. Sun 82452 15th N. 534 Aurora W. A Street: City: State: Contact:A Issaquah Iron 65 Mount Si Lane North BendA Pilchuck Panh les 912 Oregon Way WenatcheeA Monroe Machinists 9 Indus Kirkl ard Bearings 43 Rainier South 99032 Phillip HerringA SpreadsheetA ! With By now should selves. c. . .A 10,000,000__ 9,000,000__ 8,000,000__ 7,000,000__ 6,000,000__ 5,000,000__ 4,000,000__ 3,000,000__ 2,000,000__ 1,000,000__ 230 Ox d Lane Beaul , KT 85203 Dear Ms. Lama: cwon pprize of pcentury: A trip 2 to Hawaii!! fabulous prize ^ing , Ms. Lama. do to claim Fprize is come fabulous Desert Vista condo ranch re No purc e is necessary. Sincerely, Gaston WolfschmidtA Desert Vista $3,576,214 $9,453,242 $4,946,245 $8,478,952 $5,825,315 $7,124,244 $14,347,774 $25,056,438 $4,782,591 $8,352,146A package . . .B << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Idemo RightU wwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwww Word 90 -- 80 -- 70 -- SpreadsheetA >. . .A ytake a send it to a friend teleph Communications ). . .+ . . . 90 -- 80 -- 70 --' A Mr. Fish.............12 Kettle Avg Temp Balearic, Spain Corfu, Greece Corsica, France Crete, Greece Cyprus Elba, Italy Euboea, Greece MaltaA I. . .% . . ." Mr. Pint ............92 Round Ri paverage temperatures }erranean isl s on much warmerA 'usual:! . . . Dr. Fox .............1843 Subur ettings ransfers CalendarE iew larm Monday, October 7, 7:00 AM 10:00 11:00A 12:00 PM* take do in Dr. Fox .............1843 Subur . . . lightning- quick delivery!A Ms. Lama ........230 Ox Mr. Fish.............12 Kettle Mrs. Jims ........18493 18th Desert Vista5 fabulous prize ^ing A trip 2 to Hawaii!! 9 fabulous prize ^ing Dr. Fox . No purc e is necessary.@ 0to do to claim Fprize is come fabulous Desert Vista@ condo ranch re Avg Temp Balearic, Spain Corfu, Greece Corsica, France Crete, Greece Cyprus Elba, Italy Euboea, Greece MaltaA Sincerely,@ Gaston Wolfschmidt' cwon prize of pcentury :, Ms. Lama 230 Ox d LaneA Beaul , KT6 Dr. Fox 1843 Suburban WayA Tremendous F s, ID2 Mr. Fish 12 Kettle Bell Rd.A Haarlem, WA . . . }erraneanA Temperatures" }erraneanA Temperatures Mrs. L ........66 Route 893 1843 Suburban Way Tremendous F s, ID 7:30 AM Ms. Lama ........230 Ox Mrs. L 66 Route 89 South A Pickle Hill, TX. 12 Kettle Bell Rd. Haarlem, WA 9 fabulous prize ^ing Ms. Lama . << Address >> fabulous prize ^ing Mr. Fish .# @ Mr. Fish.............12 Kettle DearA Mr. Fish : DearA Ms. Lama: DearA Dr. Fox : DearA 230 Ox d Lane A Beaul Ms. Tennis ......9 Fond Mem" }erraneanA Temperatures << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Carrie Lipp EXAMPLES USING TOOLSA TOGETHER$ Daniel Little Jacob Harrison c, student organized H. . .A Test Scores@ Math 9 Period1 Period2 Period3 Period4" Using ToolsA EXAMPLES USING TOOLSA TOGETHERA . . . mid-term announcements form Student: Subject: Score: Rank: . . . test scores using >. . .A Roberta Kelly that is a valuable aid in classroom poffice.A << PARENTS NAME >> It's p nt/ t er conference once /visit my office on << APPOINTMENT DATE >> to discuss pprogress << STUDENT NAME >> made term. Should be inconvenient , please contact me to reschedule. Sincerely,@ Florence Whiting << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Word Should be interested in cing please give us a c Using ToolsA Start by capturing up-to-date stock ]a communications Stock Portfolio@ Client: Janet Yu6 Analyze interpret numeric >. . .A Btl Mct T-R Ndx Cyl . . . Use . . .A SpreadsheetA Closing Prices May 28th Boston Inc. 33.00 Microtalk 12.00 Trax Rio 62.88 Medix 13.25 Crystal Ltd. 50.50 Close Today 8.75 33.00 12.88 62.88 13.25@ 50.50H Stock Boston Inc. Microtalk Trax Rio Medix@ Crystal Ltd.& Buying Price 36.25 19.50 32.75 12.25@ 43.88T Current Net Worth 150.00 -162.50 -662.00 3813.00 400.00 662.00@ pleased to net gain of Fportfolio presently exceeds 85% of 8investment. as follows: ' Btl Mct T-R Ndx Cyl . . . Dear Miss Yu:f To prep investors, a stockbroker pcombined capabilities of Buying Price 0.00 36.25 19.50 32.75 12.25@ 43.88< Close Today 8.75 33.00 12.88 62.88 13.25@ 50.50< << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Prairie Bulb Farm LCatalog Doris & Cal Kern, Prop.A fed to mail- pproprietors introduction . . .A . . . pmain E. . .A Stock ListB 3.45 2.25 2.25 2.25 5.95 3.50 3.50 3.50A !Cat.# Plant Color Qty Price S14-1 crocus purple S14-2 crocus white S14-3 crocus yellow S14-4 crocus mixed S17-1 dahlia pink S17-2 dahlia red S17-3 dahlia yellow S17-4 dahlia mixed S18-1 iris S19-2 iris lavender S19-3 iris pinkB a planting schedule to assist gardeners. May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct crocus - dahlia X peony squill - tulip Planting ScheduleA And an categories matching stock quantities.@ ______ Shipping ______ Total ______A Order thing is to go out, PRAIRIE BULB FARM R.R. #1, Box 158 Silver Creek, IL 62430A Mrs. Elsa Sass 212 Main St. Princeville, IL 61987A Word SpreadsheetA Name: Address: Cat.# Plant Color Qty Price Dear Customers: Welcome to 12th LCatalog of flowering bulbs. js perennials in full of bulbs. As al priority is to satisfy customers. /let us we might serve better. Doris Cal KernB Please businesses 0plenty of THE TOOLSB TOGETHER INTRODUCINGJ >examples. << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo popmemo.wps popsales.wks popsheet.wks popcost.wps jun05src.wks Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo going on y ou should be familiar provide Fdessert psummer. Dear Cafe Owners: zsummer is approaching once again faced question: What cheesecake ists invade Fcafe season? It's difficult a great dessert loves. year Fworries zbasics of Dessert FactoryA Please Copy tools Add Link one, updates Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I << PGUP jun05src.wks Right IstepsL Excel ytake advantage of features of ), as well as features of by sharing Between applications come B with Between Works Between applications Between TERMINAL Word ybe sh d . . . to sh non- [Guide. COPYING ANDA MOVING SpreadsheetA Please Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP qfcD R # wwwww wwwww wwwww y. . ., Copy or cut . . . stock quotes received during a communications session Closing Prices@ Oct.77 where _to pasteB REGIONAL UPDATE --- February --- Here pfive-week from regional offices pUnited States.A To Busy Bakers W Here is my pmonth of . . . Eof prices ThanksC To Dog Daze Grocers, Here is my pmonth of Price Quantity 4121334 4129924 2251334 4199834 Inventory List A 1098.85 } BostonInc. Microtalk Trax-Rio Medix CrystalLtd JavaFruit EastPower 299.00 99.95 199.95 499.95 TOTALS TERMINALM Dear Stock Here pclosing prices requested on Fportfolio.s $8.25 35.00 12.88 62.88 13.25 50.50 6.00 112.25 5.88 14.00 ut or 3it is stored on pClip Cake trays 30 Pas Knives 10 Bags Sugar 50 Bags Fl Cake trays 30 Pas knives 10 Bags sugar 50 Bags fl increasing western regions A beyond projections.D Cake trays 30 Pas knives 10 Bags sugar 50 Bags fl Cake trays 30 Pas knives 10 Bags sugar 50 Bags fl Supplies Dessert Factory Item Amount $8.25 35.00 12.88 62.88 13.25 50.50 112.25 14.00 Sales Region Weeks Totals BostonInc. Microtalk Trax-Rio Medix CrystalLtd JavaFruit EastPower North South Midwest 00.00 $64000.00 $23000.00 $74000.00 $18000.00 . . . figures to a Sincerely A Daniel StevensD Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP documents, Vbest to 0@ both writing a memo >figures representative out in sent FROZEN POPS Seabuddy' _to A paste Copying documents be slightly pSeabuddy Frozen Pops Food Comp Fjob to assemble monthly memo. project.A In a from S E A B U D D Y d 7 \ 0 7 \ ? @ g ) g Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Right IstepsS .copied onto pClip 1 Open POPMEMO.WPS. the end of choose Copy POPSALES.WKS POPMEMO.WPS. ks A6 choose choose POPMEMO.WPS. choose x're d zmemo now zrest of pfigures in a Open POPSALES.WKS.A Please POPMEMO.WPS is ZPOPMEMO.WPS, POPMEMO.WPS in end of saste. 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A Please ZPOPCOST.WPS, ZPOPCOST.WPS, POPCOST.WPS.1 Starfish Strawberry, Starfish Strawberry, click POPSHEET.WKS is ZPOPSHEET.WKS, hold ZPOPSHEET.WKS, POPSHEET.WKS.{ fto update pprice of Abal to $200. POPSHEET.WKS. of flavoring costs. choose POPSHEET.WKS. 4 In choose Pop of flavoring costs. down Starfish Strawberry. choose ZPOPSHEET.WKS, POPSHEET.WKS in 9to a O:D Choices:CTRL+F1 Show Me: PGDN PGDN >> Popcost.wps Popsheet.wks popsheet.wks popchart Embedding Zso B that clater3 1 Copying tools, Vbest to 0both Copying between want to paste slightly pPOPCOST.WPS pupdated POPCOST.WPS.A .updated! 3 Linking automatic y updated _to link. where Paste Special. application linking Inserting a Please fto update pprice of Abal to $200. POPSHEET.WKS. ZPOPCOST.WPS, ZPOPCOST.WPS, POPCOST.WPS. Linking it's 2 Embedding easy to clater clater: 1 Open that want to Microsoft choose Object 0both lso it Spreadsheet want to Choices:CTRL+F1 Show Me: PGDN PGDN >> Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo auction.wdb friends.wpsS xshould be familiar 3going on: . . .A Dear Rev. Smy Thank plovely book. wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, Word to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely,A Thank plovely wso kind of . . . Aunt Pearl scarf Aunt Minnie Rev. Smy +. . .A Aunt Pearl Dear Aunt Pearl Thank plovely scarf. wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, . . . Dear Aunt Minnie Thank plovely pen. wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, Dear Aunt Minnie Thank plovely pen. wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, Aunt Pearl @ scarf Aunt Minnie Aunt Minnie pen Dear Thank plovely <> wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, Thank plovely wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, Gift A scarf pen Rev. Smy bookT using Please Dear Aunt Pearl Thank plovely scarf. wso kind of to remember me on my graduation. I'm sure gift hcome in h y in ahead. Sincerely, ysend oized << PGUP Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right IformsL to keep of auction donors donations. produce a FRIENDS OF '' in ''Guide to I'' in [Guide.C Aunt Pearl scarf Aunt Minnie Rev. Smy Aunt Pearl 7009 N.E. 15th StreetA Plain, MI 83001 Aunt Minnie 2025 E. Elliot StreetA Mass. Rev. Smy 919 N. 32nd -- Apt. DB Moclips, Maine 23001 THE RIVERS box, vs it in brackets.A document Q g q Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> << PGUP IformsS RightY g v 3''to funds.'' ed Yield.A Great! x're Please +, both fto be 1 Open AUCTION.WDB. 2 Open FRIENDS.WPS.A 3"to funds," Qof A p"t" in "to."" p"t" in "to," Yield is pYield tYield A box. box, box, AUCTION.WDB is ZFRIENDS.WPS, FRIENDS.WPS in p"a" in " " in pGift tGift in Gift is FRIENDS.WPSA A co- Now choose AUCTION.WDB. 4 In box, ZGift. "a" in " " in ZAUCTION.WDB, AUCTION.WDB in auction.wdb giftD Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN yield Auction.wdb Friends.wps auction friends.wps friendsD xxxxxxxxxxxx PRINTING FORMA LETTERS 1 Make sure set up Print 5Letters. 4 5 suggests Oto A Good. If were now be Printing ting '' in box, choose document 5Letters. Please 'copies Print 5Letters. 8select AUCTION.WDB. select the pre begin 5Letters 5Letters 5Letters. % Make sure move 3 In 4 In box, Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Show Me: PGDN Menu:M Microsoft Works Tutorial MM Demo board.wdb wwfloris.wks florist.wpsS ]Computers Please xshould be familiar going on:@ Earth pnursery , is considering ing Worldwide Florist. summarizing pfinancial status of Worldwide Florist.B 555-4540` Copy Copy Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Instructions:CTRL+I Right IputS zconsultant who sent Mmade a might be Begin preparing 1 Open FLORIST.WPS insertion ZFLORIST.WPS, FLORIST.WPS in FLORIST.WPS is Please OpenA WWFLORIS.WKS is ZWWFLORIS.WKS, WWFLORIS.WKS in Great. lA in click A hold hold xreceived a in an earlier communications session Open WWFLORIS.WKS Choices:CTRL+F1 wwfloris.wks wwfloris floristD florist.wps PGDN >> revenue chartD xxxxxxxxxxxx 647-4540 Please ZWWFLORIS.WKS, WWFLORIS.WKS. D9, FLORIST.WPS WWFLORIS.WKS kA4 to D9.A 3 Copy Mdata./ ZWWFLORIS.WKS, ; now Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> 1copied Zto a O. Now with Good 647-4540 Please saste.l FLORIST.WPS FLORIST.WPS. pdata at point. ZFLORIST.WPS, ZFLORIST.WPS, FLORIST.WPS.A Here's to send of directors.A Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> board.wdb Good pcomma in Cin A box.# box, box.# hto FLORIST.WPSA ZFLORIST.WPS, BOARD.WDB is comma inA pgreeting, comma.# commaA pgreeting, ZFLORIST.WPS, FLORIST.WPS.A ZBOARD.WDB, BOARD.WDB in Choices:CTRL+F1 board.wdb title & name Bravo. Tools Please Florist.A 5Letters 5Letters 5Letters. Choices:CTRL+F1 PGDN >> Menu:M To go 1in a UP or dahead in A or Jumps to Jumps to A in CHOICES0 Opens or givesA a hint a procedure. Returns to Closes Us to Closes a demonstration of pprocedure Choosing 4to follow. zn do 1 First do ||&Press any key to return to the lesson PGDN >> << PGUP Show Me:PGDN &Hint &Next Topic &Restart Lesson &Summary E&xit Tutorial Cancel:ESC Choices:CTRL+F1 Return to &Menu One of necessary to $missing. To reinst , run program still be able to M or@ program, ''Inst '' in Getting Started Menu:M Please The movie qcontinue. prest of PgDn to continue, or Rewind to re )Note: xr machine probably `memory to 1finish playing pmovie. Check pTroubleshooting A" vs to `memory available. 8.mmm 4.mmm mmedia &Resume > &Quit MM Works:Path &Pause mmedia/ << R&ewind PgDn >> LessonX Right &, or continue to a !Remember, if continue to Uto :Ctrl+F1 selecting Exit to continue./ A(Copy Corporation. {s reserved. Tutorial Menu: M Back To Help: H